Chapter 12

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Black's POV

"Baby let's go to counseling." I rubbed her thigh as she sat on the bed eating a bowl of fruit.

"Mhmmm" she hummed not listening as she scrolled through her phone. I took her phone out her hands and sighed. "I'm serious I want to work on out marriage."

"And what if I don't want to." She said trying to reach over her bowl for her phone. I moved further away so she couldn't reach it.

"Why wouldn't you want to?" I asked getting annoyed. She completely disregarded my question and asked me;

"What if I don't want to, would you blame me for our failed marriage?" She finally snatched her phone out my hands.

"N-no of course not. I mean." I scratched the back of my head. "I don't know Mo, I'm really trying but if your not willing to help me-"

"Don't even say that. I'm not the one who couldn't keep their junk in their pants. I stayed faithful even if you are trying, maybe it's too late. Maybe I don't want this anymore." She shrugged giving me the vibes of her wanting to give up.

"No we have to try. I don't want to blame you-"

"But you would right? How could you blame me? I mean I don't have sex with you every night but, I still came home to you catered to you. You told me you loved me and that sex wasn't that important to you." She sighed. I looked to see she was no longer eating her fruit and she had tears rolling down her beat face.

"Mo I-"

"Why would you tell me that if it mattered to you? "I was willing to do anything to make my marriage work." I nodded agreeing with her bowing my head in disappointment at myself.

"Mo I'm sorry okay you know I never meant to hurt you." I said reaching for her. She wiped her tears and jerked from my reach.

"Bullshit! You did and you knew how I would feel. If I don't want to work on or marriage or be around you, it's your own fault don't you date ever think of blaming me!" She wagged her finger I my face then got up and slammed the door making me jump slightly.

Micheal POV
Aria hasn't left the house but she should have because the coldness and piercing looks she sends my way when she sees me, shows she will never forgive me. I mean she shouldn't have to but I feel like it would make me feel less guilty and pain. Before I could feel anymore selfish emotions she walked into the room and dropped my phone on my lap.

"Aria wait." Lightly gripped her small hand in mine.

"Let go." She replied in a small shaky voice. She twisted her arm for me to release her.

"Are you crying? Aria what wrong?" I asked highly concerned.

"Read your phone dummy." White that she got out my grip and left me alone.

Unknown number: «Hey Mike, it's Rachel I noticed you blocked my number so I'm using a different phone to contact you. I'm not sure how your gonna take this but, I'm pregnant. I'm I'm five weeks now and I just thought you should know. Since the baby's yours» I couldn't believe it. I got her pregnant. I thought you used protection but to be honest that day was still fuzzy. Anything could have happened.

Weeks later...

Aria's POV

I really was fat now. I had put on so much and my belly was huge for just seven months. I felt like I was carrying twins. My feet hurt all day everyday, my back longed for a stretch and my toes longed for a massage. I had stretch marks all over me. I knew that after this baby was out I would have to go to the gym for like six months to loose all this fat. I couldn't wait.  Michael had been MIA for so long. He occasionally came home to stock up the house but apart from that he didn't stay. This was starting to become our routine and I didn't like it. I missed Michael I missed his husky voice. I missed his company. Hell, I missed him putting me in my place. When ever this emotion of sadness captured me, I would just bury my face in so good hence, my expansion.

I knew it wasn't healthy but I couldn't help it.

For the third time today, I called Michael's phone just for it to go to voicemail. I balled my eyes out feeling so alone. Not even the comfort of my friends could feel this hole. Just before I could call for the last time, the front door busted open and there stood Michael. Looking so I'll and drained and emotionally stressed.

I couldn't help my emotions I got up and walked into his arms he held me close and kissed the top of my head. I felt at peace finally knowing he was home. I relaxed. The pain in my back completely forgotten. We melted into each others embraces.

"Where were you?" I croaked our trying my eyes with the back of my sleeve.

"I had some things I needed to sort out." He said reaching for my hands but I pulled away.

"I was so worried Mike. I thought something bad had happened to you!" I shouted pushing his shoulder. He winced.

"Please don't shout I've got a headache." He put his hands in front of him as if he don't want me to step closer.

"You're drunk." I shook my head. "Unbelievable." I started to walk away.

"Wait Aria. Let me explain." He grabbed my arms. I tried to shake my arm free but he had a good grip on me.

"No let me explain don't walk away." I relaxed and let him talk.

"You cheated on me didn't you?!" I said feeling my eyes welling up again.

"No I didn't sleep with anyone and Aria we are not even together." He said confused. At this point so was I knew we weren't together but we had a connection something I could describe but I knew it was there. I knew he could feel it too. Surely, I couldn't be mistaken?

"Yes bu-but..." I stopped myself before I could embarrass my self further. "You're right sorry I'm over stepping. This is your house I should be asking you like I'm your girlfriend or something. Sorry." I walked away and proceeded to walk upstairs.

I cried myself to sleep that's night like I did every night he was not at home. He was home yet I still felt so alone.


What do I think about this chapter?

Another one coming soon!

Chrystalknowles 😘

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