Chapter 11

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Aria POV

Michael was out late at the club today and he didn't want me to be alone so, he let me have a sleep over with Keke and Drea. They asked me how things had been and I proceeded to tell them about what happened the first day I moved in. After that day everything was so awkward and we became very distant, he only talked to me if he thought I would need something and from the night on, I decided it would be best I stayed in my own room. I don't need him to feel uncomfortable in his own house. Even though he protested at this, I made it clear that I could take care of myself and I was only four doors alway.

"So you guys haven't even talked about it?" Keke questioned.

"No. I mean what even is there to talk about?" I motioned. "It's not like we slept together and didn't talk about it."

"I think what Keke is trying to say is. Don't you think you would feel better if you spoke about it? It would allow you guys to feel yourselves again. The tension your creating is going to make you stressed and you know that's not good for you or the baby's health." She touched my thighs and looked concerned. I had the best friends ever. Keke hummed in agreement.

"Anyway girl have you got any snacks. Last time I checked I was here for a sleepover." She rubbed her hands together looking around.

"Keyana shut up. I knew you didnt come for no sleep over you came here to eat my food. I'm eating for two so don't expect too much." I said eyeing her.

"Girl since when have you called any of us by our full names and   how do you think my ass stay fat? I eat good food." She started twerking in her seat.

"More like junk food." mumbled Drea. She shook her head and laughed I joined her.

"Bitch whatchu say?"

"I'm just playing. Come let's go get some snacks." They both got up and headed the pantry.

"I'll find a movie then." I shouted after them. The girls and I chilled for a couple of hours before Michael came home.

To my surprise he was drunk and he looked really stressed out as he stumbled into our home in the early morning. The sky was orange and was reflecting inside. I sat in the couch half asleep staring at him. I tried to stay up for him even though he told me not to. He smelt of dussè and of women's perfume? I wasn't quite sure but it don't smell very manly.

He stumbled past me to our bedroom upstairs. He was still moving pretty fast and I tried to keep up with him from behind. I nasty sharp pain shot up my side reminding me to slow down.

When he made it inside his bedroom he went to his closet and started to removed his clothes slowly. I helped him and he went straight to the shower.

I sat on the bed completely dumbfounded at the fact that he was ignoring my presence. I got into bed and he joined me not long after. He cuddled me from behind. "Goodnight Rachel" he kissed my cheek and slept. I decided to leave it and address it in the morning.


Michael's POV

I woke you to a nasty headache. I heard the sound of Keke and Drea conversing walking past our bedroom. I allowed them to sleep the night as I wanted someone to watch over Aria the whole night.

I walked straight down stairs to make myself a coffee and to grab croissant. As I sat down on the island. I heard the girls taking. "Have you seen this pictures and videos?" Andrea whispered to Keyana.

"No. What let me see." She gasped lowly. I looked up and they both looked at me.

"What?" I said confused. They both looked at each other then proceeded to walk upstairs whispering to each other. 

Just as I saw their figures disappearing I received five notifications on my phone. I clicked on the first one which was from Black. The message read: «What did we discuss about taking random women into the public eye. Your all over the internet.» Still slightly confused, I searched my name into google and low and behold a ton of photos came up of me and Rachel from yesterday at club Bluez"

The article was titled "Pleasure before business?" The photo underneath was of us specifically at each others throats in a very intimate kiss. I was shocked. One I didn't think anyone would catch us and two and two it started off as just business and things got very heated when Rachel kept touching me. How was I going to explain this to Aria?

I practically ran up stairs to the bedroom where we were both currently sleeping in. The door was wide open and Keke and Drea were in either side of her.

When they heard me enter they both got up to leave and made sure to barge past me as they went. I could understand they disappointment but they didn't know the full story. I looked at Aria who was looking straight ahead with a cold expression on her face.

I started to explain my self. "A..A Aria I was drunk I-"

"You are supposed to be different. You told me you cared about me. What would you do that?" She spoke in a croaky soft voice. She sniffed.

"Aria I-" I couldn't speak I just hung my head in shame. If I was honestly in my normal state of mind I never would have done this but how wild I explain that to her? I tried again.

"Aria it's not exactly what it looks like." I scratched the back of my head and looked at her. She looked at me with her puffy eyes.

"That's it. Do you think I feel like I wanna be on one of those movies where the guy uses that stupid line?! Ughhhhh. I should never have moved in. She wiggled put of bed and started to fill a suitcase. I become numb and I was unable to move I just watched as she maneuvered. I came back to my senses. "No." I blocked her path.

"Don't leave me I love you please." I touched her arm.

"You love me? You love me? So you go sleep with other girls? That's some love you have." She huffed and tried to walk past me but still I didn't move.

"Please Aria I love you it was a mis-"

"It was a mistake? Did you know that was what it was when you spread her legs open? She crossed her arms over her swollen breasts. "And please stop misusing that word love, you clearly some know what it means." She shoved a pillow into my chest as she said those lay words. This forced me to move out of the doorway and let her go. A message came through my phone. «Hey baby! I enjoyed last night💋» I blocked her and cleared the chat.

All I could think to myself was what have I done.


Hey guys what do you think of this chapter?

Was Aria's reaction too dramatic or under dramatic?

Do you think Aria knew or did she find out grime Keke and Drea?

New chapter coming soon


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