Chapter 25

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Christmas came and went, as it always does. Kian had been away for Christmas break. He went home to Ireland with his family, which as annoying as it was for me, because I missed him like hell, I understood how important it was for him.

It was about one o'clock in the afternoon on the last day of Christmas break before school started again. I was lazing in front of the tv, watching the usual crap and munching on some Jaffa cakes, when the door bell rung. This was how I'd spent the holidays, and I was mostly alone because Lauren went over her friends' houses a lot and Oscar was always out. My mum was cooped up in the study upstairs, despite it being off work. Anyway, back to the doorbell. I knew it would be Nina, desperate to try and get me out in the fresh air. Since Kian had gone she'd come round almost every other day to drag me outside. That was why I didn't think twice about my clothes which consisted of a Kooks T-shirt, leggings which now had about six holes in them, and Lion King slippers. I'm not even going to mention my hair, which I hadn't brushed since three days ago. I groaned as I paused the TV, and headed into the hall. The door bell rung again.
"Don't be so impatient!" I snapped, twisting the key. And of course, standing on the porch with that same heart achingly familiar goofy smile, was Kian. I was so excited to see him that I forgot that I looked like the walking dead in some pretty tatty lounge wear, and I jumped in to him, wrapping my legs around his waist. I swear I heard myself squeal, just a little. He chuckled slightly and held me tightly. I jumped down and shot him my brightest smile.
"Rough time without me, then?" His innocent smile turned in to a playful, flirtatious smirk. I grabbed his shirt and pulled him into the house.
"Shut up, you." I rolled my eyes. I adored how comfortable we already were with each other and I was deliriously happy to know that he was right here beside me, instead of in another country.
"How was Ireland?" I asked, trying my best to start combing through my hair with my fingers. Needless to say, it was painful.
"Good. It was great to see Ma with her family. It's been awhile since I've seen her actually, properly happy." He said. I loved hearing him talk about his family, he really was the sweetest and he seemed a lot more vulnerable too.
"That's good anyway, I'm glad. Do you want to sit down, I'll grab a drink?" I gestured to the couch. Kian looked at the couch and then averted his eyes back to me. I looked at the couch again and realised in was actually a foundation to my nest of pillows laden with my old little mermaid duvet (it also then occurred to me that I had a lot of disney merchandise, especially for a fifteen year old).
"Ah. Okay, just give me a second." I rushed over and carried my "nest" over to the armchair.
"There. Sit down. Choose something to watch on TV. Ooh, but don't touch my jaffa cakes, please." I gestured to the couch again, but this time more like a game show host gesturing to the jackpot prize. Kian laughed lightly and sat down. I went in to the kitchen.
"Coke?" I called.
"Nah, just water, please." Kian replied.
"Since when are we all healthy?"
"Since I found out that my brother now has a six pack. Liam and I are so competitive."
I smiled to myself. I padded back in with Kian's water.
"Thank you, Ava." He smirked and I joined him on the couch.
"I was joking earlier, you know. I think you look damn fine right now." Kian gave me a cheeky smile. I bit my lip to refrain from laughing and through one of my mother's designer cushions at him.
"Don't lie." I giggled.
"I'm not!" Kian put his hands up in innocence.
"Right, sure."
"Hey, I didn't even get a welcome home kiss. Why's that now, Ava?" He tilted his head slightly. God, it was crazy how just a corner of his mouth lifting could make my heart melt.
"I don't know if you deserve one." I scoffed.
"Oh, please, you know you want to kiss me." One of his dark waves grazed his forehead.
I leant in and gave him a peck on the cheek.
"Happy now?" I teased.
"Are you joking, that's it?" He whined.
"You're so needy." I stuck my tongue out at him. He gave me the slightest wink, stood up and picked me up promptly. He then sat back down, with me in his lap. I tried to sneakily moved away but he pulled me back and started tickling me.
"Stop it!" I yelped, wiping tears of laughter from my eyes. I could only imagine how attractive I looked right then. He finally stopped, and at that point he was leaning over me as I got out the last of my giggles. He pressed his lips against mine, which shut me up pretty quickly. Unfortunately, we were interrupted by the door bell. I pulled back and sighed before getting up.
"That'll be Nina." I called as I went in to the hall. But again, I was wrong. I gasped as I saw the fair haired teenage boy stood before me.
"Ben!" I exclaimed and threw my arms around him. Ben was one of best friend when we were little and he used to live next door. I remembered how he was my first crush, and how I cried for the whole day after he moved three years ago.
"I'm, uh, sorry about the state I am currently. I was having a bit of a lazy day." I apologised.
"It's fine. I can't believe how much you've changed, Ava." Ben smiled.
"Wait, what are you doing here?" I asked, puzzled.
"Well, we wanted to move back to London, and we looked around, but then we found out that our old house was for sale, and so here we are!" He explained.
"You're moving next door again? Oh my god! Wait till I tell Mum!" I beamed. I turned to the door way where Kian stood. He looked beautifully disheveled from my hands weaving through his hair earlier.
"Ben, this is my, um, boyfriend Kian. Kian, this is my old friend Ben, he just moved next door, in to his old house. Kian walked into the doorway and extended a hand to Ben. Ben shook it cautiously, despite the fact Kian was smiling.
"Oh. I guess little Ava really has grown up." Ben replied awkwardly.
"I, um, guess so." I said. Kian, who still looked friendly enough, put his arm around my shoulders.
"I need to help my dad with the unpacking, but I'll see you later?" Ben asked, shoving his hands into his pockets.
"Yeah, okay. My mum will probably invite you guys over for dinner, knowing her. Say hi to your dad, yeah?" I said.
"Course. Bye, Ava. Nice, uh, meeting you, Kian." Ben gave a brief wave and walked down the path and out the garden. I shut the door after him.
"You sounded pretty chirpy there." Kian remarked. I turned and expected a smirk on his face, but it was relatively blank.
"It's been ages since I've seen him." I said.
"Mm." Kian mumbled.
"Is someone a little jealous?" I asked and traced his jawline gently with my fingers as a hint of a smile crept on to my face.
"No! Everyone knows your crazy about me, Ava!" Kian said and pulled me in closer.
"Well, you're not wrong." I laughed a stood up on my tiptoes to kiss him quickly.

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