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It was now the end of summer break, everyone was back at school, and looked half dead. Nobody wanted to be here, clearly. Love had her usual appointment with the counsellor, as she did after every school break. She'd driven to school with Rowan, slightly avoiding Justin, after her revelation last week.

"See you at lunch," Love called out, quickly walking away from her car. "Love you." Rowan smiled and approached her friends, whilst Love had almost run to Mrs King's office. Justin's car wasn't in it's usual spot, so she could relax for now.

Love sat in the comforting leather seats, sighing and looking up at Mrs King. Her hair was grown out and blonde at the tips now. She was so young looking and definitely didn't look her age. "How are things, Miss Weston?"

Love smiled, missing Mrs King and her attitude. "They're great, I guess." She couldn't definitely see past the lie, and Love didn't know why she even bothered lying.

"You guess? What's up?" She asked, placing her pen down and looking up at her. Love was jittery, this is definitely the time to tell someone, but what would she think?

"Over the summer, I spent time with Rowan and Justin, and at the end of summer I came to a conclusion." She started, fiddling with her nails. "I love them both. And I don't know what to do, I'm freaking out." Mrs King's eyes widened; which only made Love freak out more.

"Wow," she breathed out. "Well, I cant give you a solution. But love is a tricky thing, it's something you have to figure out for yourself. Who do you feel like you have more of a connection with right now?" She asked.

"Probably Justin. We spent more time together than Rowan and I did." She answered truthfully, Mrs King had a way of getting the answers out of someone.

"Who our more effort in to be with you? Or make you happy?"

As much as she hated to admit it, the answer was clear. "Justin."

"I'm not telling you that's your answer. You need to think over who you'd be happier with, who treats you how you should be treated, who makes you feel like the best you." She advised. "I won't write down your issue, because it's quite personal. But I will write that you've had to question a few things."

"Thank you, Mrs King." Love smiled, retrieving her bag from the floor and standing up. She definitely needed to be in her room for a while. Love made her way to the front desk, taking her keys from the receptionist and unlocking her room. It was dark, and she wanted it to stay that way.

She sat at the desk, grabbing a piece of paper and a pen. She'd written 'Rowan' on one side, and 'Justin' on the other. She was making a list of reasons why she'd choose them.

Sometimes very sweet
Sometimes funny
Helped me through a lot of struggles
Helped me come out to everyone
Helped me through bullying
She's my girlfriend

Become so close in a short time
Helped me through my messy relationship
Helped me come to terms with Hannah's death
I can be myself around him
Good kisser
Amazing hugs
I'm falling in love with him

Love decided to play it safe and stick with Rowan. For all she knew, Justin might not even like her in the way she likes him. And she still has love for Rowan, just not how it used to be. She tucked the paper into her bag, leaving her room in time for first period.

The rest of the day was quiet. She's avoided both Justin and Rowan, just getting her work done and going home. She'd also skipped dinner, just focusing on trying to sleep and avoid her feelings completely.

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