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They had returned to Middlegate, the sun had set and she followed him back to his apartment. As they both parked, Love got out and approached him. She didn't say anything, but she hugged him before he could get a word out. He didn't reject the hug, if anything, he needed it more than anything. He didn't want it to be over, but it was.

She began to walk away, back to her car, but he held her hand. Turning her head to look at him, his eyebrows were upturned and a frown was present. The street lamps illuminating his glistening eyes. "Please stay with me tonight."

She thought nothing of it — but of course Rowan would. She'd assume that if Love spent the night at Justin's house, they'd slept together. But Love didn't care, her best friend was in need. She grabbed the bag from her car and walked into his apartment with him. She sat on the couch, watching as he shuffled around his apartment to clean up the mess he'd made before he left.

"How did you get Clay's number?" He asked, sweeping the broken glass into a pile and throwing it into the trash. I found the key and let myself in, and saw his number on the fridge. She thought, but it seemed too criminal to say aloud.

So she responded with another question. "Why did you go back to Evergreen?" Justin raised his eyebrows and chuckled, opening his refrigerator.

"Do you want anything to eat? I don't really cook, but I can make anything." He suggested. She rose to her feet and entered the kitchen, sitting on his counter.

"After the two days you've had," she began, kicking the refrigerator door closed. "I think I'll cook for you. Go and shower, and clean your room." He laughed, proving himself right on the maternal comment. He raised his hands up in surrender before slowly backing out of the room.

"Okay, mom." She searched his panty and refrigerator for ingredients, deciding on a dish her mom made a lot. And she got to cooking. She was chopping vegetables, frying things and washed dishes as it cooked. All within the time it took Justin to shower, find a new set of clothes, and clean his room.

They ate dinner together at the kitchen table, a comfortable silence filled the air. And Justin had instinctively taken the couch to sleep on, offering up his bed for her. But she refused.

"No way, Justin. You take your bed." Love was adamant, sitting on the couch. He was too tired to even argue back, so he slumped into his room. She had changed into some more comfortable clothing, and laid on the couch. It took a while before she could even find a comfortable position, let alone fall asleep. She heard her phone buzz on the floor below her.

Justin: I can't sleep.

Me neither.

Justin: I wouldn't say no to another hug.

I'll be right in.

And she was. She'd gotten off of the couch and entered his room, seeing him sat up against his headboard with only a lamp on. He opened his arms, a slight smile on his face as she approached him. His sheets were soft, and she was confused as to how he hadn't fallen asleep in such comfort. He was warm, it was inviting, and he had a fresh body wash scent. His tattoos were nice, she'd never seen them before. She quite liked the tattoo around his bicep.

"You're so cuddly." He whispered. Within seconds, he'd sunk down into his pillows and they were both laying down against his sheets. It hadn't taken long until they'd both fallen asleep. "Also, I've been thinking about your offer. And I think I will speak to the counsellor."

"Good." She mumbled. She was too tired to move back to the couch, and Justin was still tightly embracing her. The moment was too good to ruin, and he had no intentions of kicking her out of his end. So they stayed like that the whole night. The lamp still on, they were tightly knit as they slept. It was the most decent nights sleep the two had gotten in a few days, as they'd both been worried sick about the other.

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