chapter 1: there she goes

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FINN WAS FLOWN BACK TO new york for a couple more interviews. he got to his hotel and had some time to himself. his mind drifted to y/n and how she was doing.

'i wonder if she's down.' 'how has she been doing since we broke up?'  'i really miss seeing her everyday.' his thoughts about the girl stopped once he realized, 'there she goes again, racing through my brain. i have a girlfriend! i can't be thinking about y/n like this.'

over the past year, finn has been thinking of
y/n a lot. he felt really bad for breaking up with her. he tried to stop thinking about her but he couldn't contain this feeling that remains.

he got a girlfriend to try to get his mind off of y/n but he felt like a complete douchebag. it felt like he was cheating on her.

this girl was pulsing through his veins and he couldn't help it one bit. these feelings still remain for her and he just can't contain it anymore. he needed to know where she was.

he got his phone out of his back pocket and did some deep diving on instagram and twitter. he went to y/n's accounts, though her tagged posts and the hashtag #y/nl/n on instagram trying to figure out where she was.

he ended up finding out she was in fact in new york as well, doing some last minute interviews. he grabbed his phone and his wallet and headed out the door to find this girl.

first he went to her apartment. he knocked on the door, but there was no response. he knocked again and there was still nothing.

"y/n, it's finn. open up." he spoke. he still didn't even hear footsteps on the other side of the door. he figured she wasn't home and went to the next place she might be.

he spend the whole day looking through the whole city and went to all their favourite spots. their favourite places to have a picnic, her favourite stores, her favourite restaurants and hadn't found her anywhere.

the thought of y/n raced through his mind all day. he wanted to see her again and talk to her. she hasn't been too active online and he doubted she would respond to any of his calls or texts so this was the only way he could talk to her.

there was one last place he needed to check, but this place would hurt more to visit because of all the memories left there.

he dreaded the entire ride up there and it felt like his anxiety was through the roof. he was terrified to see her again, but he needed this.

he got to the same road as the lake and saw a car parked right next to where the dock is. he parked behind it and walked over to the dock.

he stood back for a bit, admiring the girl for not seeing her for quite a while. he also admired the sky, it was something he picked up from her and was something he was never able to stop doing.

he watched as she sat with her legs hanging off the doc and her feet splashed in the water. the way her hair blew in the slight breeze there was and the way she was able to sit in silence for so long without getting bored.

he finally decided to speak up, "i thought i'd find you here."

her head snapped back at him and he saw her wide eyes. he saw some very faint tear stains on her cheeks and he saw her plump lips agape from shock.

"finn," she spoke breathlessly. "what the hell are you doing here?" she asked, rather harsh.

"y/n, i'm just going to be straight up with you, no lies. i missed you. i miss seeing you everyday, i miss laughing with you, i miss cuddling with you, i miss kissing you." he told her. his eyes went wide with shock once he realized what he said and so did y/n's.

"finn, i really think you need to hear what i'm about to tell you. you broke up with me, you hurt me, you have a girlfriend,finn! i'll admit, i did miss you at first and i missed being around you but i outgrew it. we've been broken up for over a year! you need to figure yourself out." she told him.

"but y/n i regret-" he started but got cut off by y/n.

"finn, you have a girlfriend. you can't be thinking like this about your ex when you're dating someone!" y/n spoke very sternly to him. she definitely wasn't letting him down easy, that's for sure.

"but y/n, i was only dating her to get my mind off of you! i thought she could help stop these feelings but obviously she couldn't." he argued.

"finn that doesn't make it any better. you can't just lead a girl on because you're trying to get rid of old feelings. that's not how it works." she steamed. "you really need to get your shit together," she said under her breath as she quickly walked back to her car.

finn watched as she quickly drove away and he couldn't help tearing up. she was the only one that could heal this pain, but she couldn't be there to heal this. this was all his fault.

"there she goes," he said as he walked back to his car. "there she goes again."

author speaks!
woah a super long
chapter 😳 anyways i
really wanted y/n to kinda
yell at finn because that's
kinda fun. i mean, she
obviously has anger built
up from him and she never
got to get it out so this was
her chance.

wattpad still isn't letting me
put the song at the top but if
you want to listen to it the
song is There She Goes by
The La's

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