Chapter Forty

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Steph was so tired, she didn't know if she could push. "I don't want to do it," Steph said. "I don't know if I can do any more work.  Gods, I am so tired."

"I know honey.  You can do this," Robert said exuberantly. "And, if I could..."

"Oh don't you dare say you'd do it for me. I know you wouldn't. Men can't take this much pain."

"Now honey..." Robert began but another contraction wracked Steph. She squeezed his hand.

Cassandra yelled out. "On the next contraction, Stephanie, I need you to begin pushing."

Steph panted heavily. Cassandra looked around at the people in the room. "I'm going to need some help," she said and the men backed off a few paces.

"I don't think so," said Jimmy Page.

Cassandra smiled indulgently and then said, "I believe I could use a woman's touch here." Lisa and Debbie cringed. "All I need you, ladies, to do is help support Steph's back while she pushes, okay?" That didn't sound so bad.

Both Debbie and Lisa nodded. "All right," they said.

"Robert, I'll need you down here and I'll need one other. We have to hold her legs." Jimmy Page looked at Jimmy Knight. They wore identical expressions. Robert Arndale held up his hands in a negation gesture.

Connor sighed. "Fine, if it will speed this along, I'll do it. At least she can't grab with her legs." He came to the foot of the bed.

Connor took a position on Steph's left, and Cassandra said, "Come on Robert, you should see your baby being born." Robert left Steph's head and came down to the right of the bed. He looked a bit green, but he held steady. "Now, Steph is there a contraction coming on?" Steph could only nod. When the contraction began she sat up, Debbie and Lisa behind her. "Push Steph," Cassandra said, "bear down hard."

Steph pushed with all her might and screamed as she rode out the contraction.

"Very good, Steph, the baby is crowning!"

Steph felt like she was pushing a beach ball out. Another contraction was coming on top of the first. "Oh, Lord," she breathed.

Debbie and Lisa said, "Come on, girl, we want to see this baby!"

Steph pushed again, bearing down and when the contraction lessened, she raised her head and started to lay back, until her eyes found a new arrival in the hut. Victor Draga stood against a wall, his arms folded, a small smile on his lips, and he had a runway view of Steph's delivery.

"Victor!" she gasped, "Nice to see you could make it. Getting a good view are you?" Victor continued to smile. He said nothing and a new contraction sent Steph into another grunting push. It seemed an eternity this pushing and bearing down and outside the hut, Steph could hear voices. The villagers. Were they? Could they be? Yes, they were! She heard the sound of bets being taken! "Glad I can be so much entertainment!" she huffed and bore down again just as Suz and Matthias entered the hut followed closely by John and Ria.

John. Oh, Steph needed to hear the calm voice of John. Panting heavily she said, "John, come here please."  He walked over to her bed. "Help me," she said and John bent down over her.

"Relax, Steph. Just relax" he said in a soothing voice. "Perhaps a sip or two of tea would soothe you."

Steph gave him an incredulous look, as much as she was able. "Tea?" she said her voice slurry with exhaustion. "Don't talk to me about tea, John, or I'll have to hurt you." The next contraction was strong and long.

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