Chapter Twenty-Eight

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He laughed quite loudly, "Regular little spit-fire you are. It's no wonder Mr. Plant finds you attractive. Hell, I find you attractive."

"Well, isn't that great! You're the only one he hasn't accused me of sleeping with yet, though give him time," Steph said.

"Well, love, it's not his time you have to worry about," Robert said.

"What the hell does that mean?" Steph asked.

"You've been here what, three days now?" Robert remarked as he shook his head and the said, "Yep, it's about time."

"About time for what?" Steph asked. "For the prick convention? I'm the guest speaker at that one."

Robert smiled. "You'll see Steph, you'll see." Robert Arndale sauntered away chuckling to himself.

Steph headed in the other direction toward the practice field muttering, "Fuck you too."

Steph came upon the field and saw Connor practicing archery. She stood watching Connor all the while thinking how ridiculous it was that Robert would even think that she had a thing for the man. Just look at him, she thought as she watched then something clicked in her mind and she did look at him, closely.  Hmm, the man's got arms, she noticed as she watched him pull back the bow, his muscles bulging nicely. Wow, look at that ass, she thought, smacking her lips as she looked appreciatively. Mmm, those legs, wow. Steph shook her head.  "What the fuck am I thinking?" She looked again at Connor and something lazy uncoiled in her stomach. She couldn't help it, she didn't know why but she felt compelled to go to Connor.

"Nice form," Steph said to Connor as she came up beside him.

Connor glanced at Steph and said, "I'm not bad but Valeck is the master archer."

"Oh, I wasn't talking about the archery," Steph said smiling.

Connor glanced sharply at Steph then muttered softly, "Uh-oh!"

Steph batted her eyes coyly. She thought to herself, What am I doing? Stop it.  The words that came out of her mouth were, "Why don't you give me some pointers?"

"No. I'll go find Valeck and he can give you all the pointers you want," Connor said taking a step back from Steph.

"Oh, but Connor," Steph said sweetly as she moved forward a bit and placed her hand on his arm running her fingers up and down lightly. "You're so good, aren't you?"

Connor started to panic; he did not want to encourage her. "Steph you're a good woman, I like you but..."

Steph interrupted him and started singing a line from the movie, Ms. Congeniality, "I know you like want to date me."

Connor looked at her and said, "No disrespect, Steph, but you're out of your mind."

"Aww, come on, Connor. We've been dancing around this for quite some time," Steph said batting her eyes, "let's just give in. Nobody has to know. Look, nobody is even around."

Connor backpedaled quickly but Steph was quicker. She wrapped her arms around his waist. Connor, trying to move away, tripped over his bow and fell backward bringing Steph down on top of him.

"Now, isn't this better, Connor?" Steph asked sweetly.

"No! It's not. You need to get off," Connor said trying to free himself.

"Well, I would, but all I want is just one little kiss," Steph said as she brought her face closer to his.

"No, no, and no!" Connor said as he tried to push her away. Steph was relentless and captured his mouth with hers. As she kissed him a part of her brain yelled, 'What the hell are you doing?' Connor succeeded in pushing her away. Steph, now coming to her senses, realized what she had done. She became slightly embarrassed then noticed the look on Connor's face. He was staring at something over her shoulder, then muttered, "Oh shit!"

Steph's eyes grew large, as she said, "It's Robert isn't it? Behind me. And I take it he's not happy, right?"

In a voice as cold as ice cubes he said, "Yes. Yes, and no he is not."

Steph jumped up, faced Robert, and said defensively, "Let me explain." Robert was not in the mood for explanations. He completely ignored her. He watched as Connor gained his feet and then he charged. He caught Connor around the midriff and both men went down.

"You bloody bastard!" Robert yelled as he punched Connor square in the face.

Steph yelled and ran to break them up. "Robert! Don't hit him again." She shoved Robert off Connor; both men quickly gained their feet and squared off. Robert had a murderous look in his eye.  Connor wiped his chin and noticed the blood.

Connor grinned at Robert and said, "Oh, you want to play do you?"

Robert said, "I am going to kill you."

Connor smiled and moved his hand as if pulling a rope, then said, "Ding...fucking...ding." 

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