Chapter Thirty-Three

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Steph had a miserable night, alternating from depressed to angry. When morning came, it was apparent she had not slept. As she made her way to the common lodge for breakfast, she dreaded seeing Robert, but she need not have worried, Robert Plant did not show up for breakfast.

Stephanie sat down and looked at the fruit that was placed in front of her. She had no appetite and all she did was drink water. Her thoughts drifted back to her last conversation with Robert. She had cursed him, thrown things around the hut, cried buckets of tears, and cursed him again. How dare he speak to her as he had? She might have deserved some of what he said, but she damn sure didn't deserve all of it.

What the hell was going to happen to them? She definitely couldn't tell him about the baby now, not after what he'd said. She couldn't help it, tears started to fall and Steph tried to hide them, but everyone at the table with her knew she was crying. Steph angrily swiped at her face. Oh Gods she thought Robert is right. I am moody and I despise being this way! When will these mood swings stop? I can't go on like this.

Cassandra was staring at her and Steph sighed. She wiped her hand over her eyes and stared back. "Is there something wrong?" Cassandra asked.

"" Steph stammered. "Oh... I don't know. Do you think we can talk?"

Cassandra rose from her seat and answered, "Of course, we can talk about whatever you like." Stephanie rose as well and walked out of the lodge, Cassandra coming out behind her. "What is it, Stephanie?" Cassandra asked gently.

"Robert and I had an awful fight last night," Steph started then stopped as she began crying again.

Cassandra put an arm around Steph's shoulder as she let her cry it out. As the sobs turned to sniffles Cassandra asked, "Can you talk now?"

Steph took a deep breath, wiped her tear-stained face on her sleeves, and said,  "Yes, I think so." Cassandra waited expectantly for her to continue.

In a small voice, Stephanie related everything that had transpired up until the present moment. "And I don't know what to do," Steph sobbed. "I can't tell him about the baby and I don't know if he loves me anymore and I'm sick of the fighting. Did he ever really love me? Maybe Jonesy and Raven were right, maybe it was Robert being, well, Robert." Steph sighed deeply. "Maybe he's right Cassandra. Perhaps we should just end this relationship and go our separate ways. I can take the baby and go away..."

"No, that's the one thing you can't do," interrupted Cassandra.

Steph looked at her blankly. "Why?" she asked.

"Because you are a witch and he is a wizard. You realize your baby will be gifted, don't you? Strong in magic and tied to the Realms. Perhaps he, or she will play an important part in protecting our world at a later time. Whatever the reason, you simply can't leave and vanish," Cassandra responded.

Steph gave her a look of pained incredulity, "You mean I have to stay here? With him? How can I do that if he doesn't love me?" Steph started to sob again.

"Stephanie, you're beside yourself. Come with me. We'll find out if we can help you." Stephanie followed Cassandra to her hut unaware that she was being watched.

When they entered, Cassandra was surprised to see her husband seated in his favorite chair, Dalton on his lap. "Jimmy, what are you doing here?" Cassandra asked.

Jimmy ruffled Dalton's hair and replied, "I believe something is being kept from me, my dear. Would you care to enlighten me?"

Cassandra looked at Stephanie, who looked like a deer caught in the headlights. "Well?" she asked her.

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