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« [lemon boy: cavetown] »
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"he was growing in my garden and i pulled him him out by his hair like a weed"

{yamaguchi pov}

hours passed and i was done with school for the day! it was great! even though i didn't talk with tsukishima kei, i'll try to talk to him more tomorrow. today in school, he showed me everywhere. he didn't talk much, he's pretty dry, but tsukishima mostly said "this is the bathroom" , "english, spanish, art, science... classroom" , "exit" , "cafeteria" , "playground" .

it's okay though! i still enjoyed his company a little, not everyone opens up really fast most of the time. but i'm okay with that!

i finally got out of my last class, almost everyone screamed and rushed uo to the playground. but i had better stuff to do.

i got my little school backpack from my shelf, and my bag full of lemon and lemon seeds. "hey yamaguchi, how was school today?" the teacher asked, as she bent down to meet me. "it was great!" i giggled, while smiling. "awe i'm so glad!" she exclaimed exitedly.

"i really like it here. thank you teacher!" i bent down, as a way to say thank you. "at your service yamaguchi" she giggled, patting my head. "i'll see you tomorrow!" i waved at her while i smiled and took my bike from besides my shelf. "uh" she reacted, as i got in my bike and started peddling. "yam-" she tried to stop me, then chuckled and let me go.


i rode my bike down at the side of the street, with some decorative strings that i tied on the side of the bike, the wheels rattling through the street and grass, and the fresh breeze brushing through my face.

minutes later, i finally arrived at my neighborhood and started to get to work. i get my backpack full of lemons and lemon seeds and started giving them out/planting them in different houses.

since now, my neighbors have been pretty nice, now that they met me and my mom in some neighborhood dinner. since me and mom came from the countryside/fields, i've been giving out seeds like i used to back at home. in the back of my mind they'll always be that little voice that tells me to change, but i try to ignore it. plus ever since we moved here 3 months ago, my neighbor's been pretty understandable about it, and they usually like me handing out seeds and lemons for them!

that makes me really happy, it's a good distraction whenever i get discouraged.

"good afternoon yamaguchi!" the man neighbor waved at me, along with his little 6 year old daughter. "hi mr. hakaru!" i smiled, walking towards him (random name i have the neighbor) "would you like lemons or lemon seeds today?" i showed them to him. "sakura you want to plant today?" the neighbor asked his daughter (random name i gave the neighbors daughter) , her nodding shyly, while gripping on her dads shirt and hiding behind him.

"then we'll take the seeds" mr. hakaru smiled, then i handed him a bag with a few seeds. "here" he teached out for a 5 dollar bill in his pocket. "woah- woah, you know i don't do this for money" i chuckled nervously, while scratching the back of my head. "tsk, take it! don't mind" he said, trying to hand it to me but i kept backing away. "but it's your mone-" . "oi! take it" he said one last time, making me gulp out of nervousness and take the money.

"thank you!" i bent down, eyes watering. "don't mind,, thank you!" my neighbor smiled along with his daughter and got back in his house.

i sighed, got my bags, and kept handing out lemons and seeds.

you see, i do this for free. i really feel.. what's the word we learned today... guilty! yes, and my purpose is just to put on smiles on peoples faces. it really makes me feel awesome to make others feel good, it just makes my whole day!

today was.. uh strange lol. i literally got stressed out over school,, for nothing. my grades are good, maybe i was fustrated cause i couldn't concentrate on an "assignment", and i didn't end up doin it i'm just in bed writing lawl. ps: child yams is so cute here idk. k lettme stawp😃bye byes >:) (oop i forgot to publish this)

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