Chapter Seven

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"I'm home."

You looked over to the door to see Todoroki walk inside and closed the door behind him. You sent him a smile his way while you stayed seated on the couch and your hands resting on your swollen belly while watching TV. Airi is out in the backyard playing with the new household member; a dog. You were having a chill day so far even with the surprise.

"Airi wants to show you something," you informed.

Todoroki raised an eyebrow. "Really? Where is she?"

You stood up from the couch and placed a hand on your swollen belly. Todoroki is at your side in an instant and he placed his hand on the small of your back. You gave him a smile of reassurance to let him know that you're okay. You aren't nine months pregnant. You're three months. Almost four.

"I'm fine, Shoto," you chuckled, Todoroki nodded his head. "She's waiting for you in the backyard."

"Let's go."

You and Todoroki walked towards the backyard that's pass the kitchen. As the two of you got closer, you could hear Airi's laughter and the dog's barks. A smile grows on Todoroki's and the two of you glanced at each before you two stepped out into the backyard. Airi is running around the backyard and the dog, Captain is running after her.

Airi wanted to name the German shepherd Captain because apparently the dog's past life was a pirate. She went into so much detail that you were getting a bit worried about her. You've seen too many videos about children and their memory of past lives and all that. You weren't against her naming the dog because it's the family dog and she'll be the one giving the dog the most attention.

"Hey Sweet Pea," Todoroki said.

Airi stopped running and she looks to her father, a wide smile on her lips. She runs over to the two of you and she wraps her arms around Todoroki's legs and she looks up at him. Captain trots over and he sits down, being next to Airi.

"I heard there's something you wanted to show me," Todoroki stated.

Airi's eyes shine and she smiles cheekily. She looks to you as if she's asking you if she can. You nodded your head and Todoroki looked at you, waiting for an explanation, but you didn't tell him anything. Airi backed up until there's space between Airi and you guys and until she determined that it was enough space. You watched her with a smile with Todoroki is curious and careful.

A soft blue glow appeared on Airi's chest and Todoroki watched with wide and interested eyes, seeing his daughter pull out two large guns out. Airi couldn't live them, but the barrel of the guns pointed at the ground and you glanced at Todoroki, seeing a huge smile on his lips. He looked so proud of his daughter and he walks over to her. He crouched down, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Have you tried firing it?" Todoroki questioned.

You let out a laugh. "Yep! You should ask our neighbors how much we owe them for lighting their backyard on fire."

Airi smiled nervously as she looked at her father. "Sorry."

"It's fine," Todoroki assured. He ruffled Airi's [Hair Color] hair and he chuckled. "So she can shoot fire? What about ice?"

"And ice," you confirmed. You walked over to them and crouched in front of Airi, helping her put the guns back into her body. "She can change how fast it shoots so far. I'm sure she could do more with that Quirk of hers."

"She just needs to figure out how to hold it," Todoroki laughed.

He stood up and picked  up his daughter, holding her with one hand. He smiled up at her while she let out a laugh. Captain running around Todoroki's feet and you watched them with love in your eyes. You've understood what it's like to have a family and to see how happy your family is. You feel like your life is complete just for now, but you still have your baby left.

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