Chapter Nine

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Your eyes felt so heavy, running on 3 hours of sleep and just feeling drained in general. You haven't gotten a good night sleep in a long time because you've been so busy taking care of Hikaru. Todoroki has been gone on a business trip while you also have quit your job after Hikaru turned 1 years old. You haven't been active in the hero duty, but you still have your place as Number Eight. Although you've been thinking about retiring so you can take care of the household.

"Mommy, are you okay?"

You glanced at your daughter, she's 7 years old now and she's gotten so much cuter. Her [Your Hair Color] hair has gotten longer and she definitely has all of Todoroki's features from the color of his turquoise eyes to the same nose. Almost like a mini Todoroki, but with your hair color. She's definitely your little princess.

You nodded your head, a smile on your lips. "I'm fine, baby. I'm just getting dinner ready for you and Hikaru." 

Airi gazes at you and you went back to making miso soup. You already have the steak baking in the oven and the broccoli being steamed. You put down Hikaru, but he started crying and making the hand gesture of wanting to be picked up. You let out a sigh, gazing down at your son and you picked him back up. You really need to check the steak and the broccoli and you can't do that with one hand.

"Airi, can you call Captain?" You asked, looking at your daughter.

She nodded her head, going to the backyard and you heard her call Captain's name. A few seconds later, Captain and Airi come running into the kitchen and Hikaru lets out a loud squeal, a smile on his lips. You smiled, putting Hikaru down and watching your son go after Captain. The loud noise in the kitchen quickly disappeared as the dog and your two children went out into the backyard to play.

You finished up making dinner, setting the table and when you placed down a bowl, you noticed your arms shaking. The shaking is so bad that the bowl almost slipped from your grasp, but you were able to put it onto the table without dropping it. You haven't felt this exhausted in a long time and you really need to make sure your kids eat. You stood at the sink, a hand on your head as your forehead feels hot to the touch. You let out a breath, grabbing dinner and putting it on the table.

Your vision becomes blurry and you tripped, the bowl of broccoli falling on the floor and the glass breaking. You laid there, all the strength in your body is gone and soon everything turns black.


Airi goes into the kitchen with Hikaru following her and Captain trailing after them. Airi looks around since she heard something break while she was outside and her eyes widen, seeing her mother lying on the ground.

"Mommy!" Airi exclaimed.

She runs to her mother's side as Hikaru starts crying and Captain is growling. [Name] lays on her stomach and Airi struggles to get her mother to lay on her back, but Airi gives up since her mother is heavy and Airi isn't strong enough. Airi looks at her crying brother to her dog growling and on guard, but then she looks to her mother and knows what to do.

Airi gets up and she runs to the kitchen counter. She grabs the phone and she scrolls to Todoroki's phone number. She hears the ringing before he picks up and she lets out a sigh of relief.


"Daddy! It's me!" Airi exclaims, her heart beating in her chest.

"Airi? Where's your mother? Is everything okay?"

The panic in Todoroki's voice is present as Airi is never one to call him without [Name] being there. Something is definitely wrong and he can feel it just by Airi's urgent tone and Hikaru's crying in the background.

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