Part 8 | Breaking Promises

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Part 8

Mel was sitting at the police station wearing a mask as a doctor was taking a look over her for any bruises or concussion. Just then her family Joe, Nick, Frankie, Mama J and Papa J came in and Melissa ran over to her father and jumped in his arms and he wrapped his arm around.

Melissa: *tears running down her face* daddy I'm so sorry

Papa J: oh baby girl... shhh... you have nothing to apologize for, I'm the one that should apologize. I'm just glad you're okay

Melissa: but I called him my father

Papa J: honey-

Melissa: no let me finish, nobody in my life could ever replace you. I don't care what anybody says, you're my father and nobody gonna take that away from us. Mom put you in my life for a reason and it was to keep me away from him, I never want to go talk or go near him ever again

Papa J: what happened?

Melissa: he told me everything I needed to know

Papa J: You know the whole truth?

Melissa: yeah... I do he told me everything

Joe: what did he want from you Mel?

Melissa: money, your money. The reason my mom hid me from him was because he wanted to keep me until my mother payment from all the drugs she took from him all the years before I was born

Papa J: *sighs* I told your mother that her past was gonna come back and haunt her

Melissa: *hugs him* I'm just glad to see you! How did you guys get here when I bought my ticket to come here it was hard to come

Papa J: Joe flew us on a private jet, he figured you would want your whole family

Melissa: *to Joe* Kevin?

Joe: couldn't make it because of the girls, but he wishes you well

Melissa: *roll eyes* of course, dad

Papa J: yeah pumpkin

Melissa: I think I'm ready to let my mom's ashes go

Papa J: are you sure?

Melissa: yeah... it's time to let her go

Just then the cops got an alert about an accident at the same place Mel was just picked up at and one of the guys said.

Cop: I'm gonna need you guys to leave

Papa J: Is something wrong?

Cop: I really need you guys to leave right now, there's been an emergency

Melissa: what happened?

Cop: I can't say, please it's best if you all leave right now

Melissa: not if you tell me what's going on, we heard you guys talking about the hotel I was just at. What happened!

Papa J: Melissa! That's no way to talk to an officer

Melissa: He promised me that nothing bad was going to happen! He broke it, I just know it. That's why he's ushering us out of here

Papa J: Is that true?

Cop: *signs to Melissa* your biological father the one that kidnap you

Melissa: yeah?

Cop: dead

Melissa: What how? He was fine when I left

Cop: *sighs* after you left the cops pulled him to the car and shot him

Melissa : I knew it, and I trusted you!

Cop: kid...

Melissa: no! Don't pull the we we're just trying to do our job bull-crap. You killed the man because his skin was different than yours

Cop: kid, I'm gonna ask you to calm down

Papa J: Melissa... that's enough! Apologize

Melissa: but-

Papa J: apologize, and let me deal with this

Melissa: uh... okay

Papa J: *to the cop* in my family, we never break promises to each other, the fact that you have the audacity to break my promise to my daughter shows what a real man you people are

Cop: sir...

Papa J: let me finish... my daughter was right about cops, you guys will never change or learn from your mistakes *turns to his daughter* and I should have listened more

Melissa: *smiles* thanks daddy

Cop: sir I did not break my promises, in fact I did not know those guys would do that to him. Our deal was to bring your daughter back home safely

Papa J: *push him up against the wall*

Mama J: Kevin!

Papa J: Are you calling my daughter a liar? I know my daughter would not lie about stuff like this, you told her you would keep her and him safe. As much as I don't like that man, he did not deserve to his end his life that way

Joe: You tell him dad!

Papa J: everyone deserves a fair trial, doesn't matter if they're black or white or have a bad past, they should be treated as equals. Tell me sir, if that was a white man would you guys have let him off scott free or would you treat him the same way

The cop stood their silence not saying a word.

Papa J: I didn't think so, let's go family *to Melissa* I'm sorry baby girl

Melissa: it's okay daddy, thank you for standing up for me *hugs him* you're my hero

Mama J: mines too *smiles*

Joe: us too

Papa J: *lifts her up in his arm* come on let's head home

Papa J and Melissa headed out together with the family behind them as they all headed back home to Joe's place. 

Chapter End Notes: 

The story is almost over, sorry I'm not making this book longer, but I figured it's better to end this book sooner, plus I want to show you guys my other book I was telling you about earlier.

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