Part 4 | Supporting the Oppressors

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Part 4:

Melissa's POV
If you're confused about what happened between me and dad. Here's what happened: It was dinner time, between my parents and I, Frankie was quarterained at a friend house and I was having an argument with my father about him supporting Trump.

Melissa: but dad, how can you support someone that doesn't like someone like me
Dad: Melissa enough, your points are invalid
Melissa: of course you would stand his side since you're a white privileged male. You will never understand what it's like to be a black American
Dad: And you do? You live in a white neighborhood
Melissa: That's the problem dad, there are a few people like me, there's not enough diversity. All Black Americans wants is to be treated like equal
Dad: do you not live in a good home? Do you not live in a safe neighborhood, I don't see anybody giving you a hard time about your skin tone.
Melissa: this isn't just about me dad, this is to all the Black people who don't have privilege like me. The only reason people don't give me issues because they know me because of you and the boys. I'm fighting for all black Americans that don't have the privilege like I do. You guys always told me to fight for what I believe in, but when it comes to a controversial topic like this, you turn against it, why?
Dad: no daughter of mine is gonna be supporting the looting
Melissa: It's not looting dad! It's a peaceful protest. The news isn't telling you the truth! How can you support someone who says you don't need to wear a mask and that it's okay to shoot at protestors. It's the 21st century we are allowed freedom of speech and he's trying to take that away from us
Dad: Melissa, I do not need to hear anymore of this
Melissa: mom!
Mom: Melissa, you heard what your father said
Melissa: ugh!!! You guys suck as parents!
Dad: Melissa Paula Sorrento-Jonas! Get back here now!

I stopped in my tracks and turned back around.

Melissa: what!
Dad: you're gonna lose that tone with me. My mind already made up. You're staying inside, you will not be going to that protest. If you're caught at the protest-
Melissa: You're so funny, you think you can stop me from going to this protest. *gets in his face* Watch me *starts to leave*
Dad: *has a grip on her wrist* you're not going anywhere
Melissa: *tugs on her arm* let me go! Daddy ow!
Dad: don't "ow" me girl, you will be owing some more with a sore backside, now let's get you over my knees

Dad put his leg up on the chair and tilted me over his one leg, he tilted me forward as my legs started dangling from the floor.

Melissa: let me go!
Dad: you need a reminder about who is the boss in this house

So when this happened, my father had taken me over his knee and pulled up my skirt and proceeded to spank hard while I screamed and kicked. I heard Mama J tell Papa J to stop. I figured she was just stopping him from spanking me, maybe she was on my side. But that didn't happen because she just came over to me and bared my bottom and put my panties and skirt neatly to the side instead, so that I was going to be bare bottom. I guess my Mama J agreed with him if she's allowing him to spank me like this.

Papa J again started spanking my bare bottom so hard, and with my humiliation I could not do anything but cry and apologise for him to stop. I remember my bottom being so hot, that it was on fire.

I saw Mama J grab the wooden spoon and bar of soap. She handed it to Papa J, and shoved the soap in my mouth for my bad language, Mama J warned me once that if I mouthed off to them again she was gonna rinse my mouth out with soap.

Papa J landed the final few hard swats with the wooden spoon. It seemed like forever while they spanked and scolded me, although I don't think it was more than 10 minutes. Finally Mama J removed the soap from my mouth and got me off his lap and put me into the corner. She told me to stand like that for one hour to think about my behaviour and what consequences are.

Melissa: Mama J, can I please rinse my mouth
Mama J: think about what you did, then you can rinsed

I pouted and glared at the corner earning a swat from her hand and rubbed my bottom.

Melissa: mom!
Mama J: hands above your head and no talking in corner time

I sigh and do what I was told. I can't believe this, they were both being unfair. I was just trying to change dad's opinions about who he should stand and vote for, because it was important to me. Since I'm not of age to vote. If he cared about me, wouldn't he listen to my points and understand how I felt about this situation? Or was I just making this situation all about me and approaching him the wrong way with it. Either way he was being a big baby about it, if he doesn't care for my feelings, then I'm just gonna live with someone that does.

And now we are here, at Joe's place. He understood where I was coming from, and told me to let dad calm down a bit and that we needed a break from each other for a while, I couldn't ask for a better understanding brother.

So that's basically what happened between my dad and I. I didn't want to live with someone who kept shutting down my views and point so I ran away from home.

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