chapter 05

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General pov

After thinking almost all night about Ricky's proposal, Nini decided to agree. What's there to loose? Ej won't confront her, Laila will stop bugging her about getting a boyfriend, and last but not least she's going to make Jenn jealous, something she always wanted to do. The only problem was trying to not fall for Bowen.

The next day at school, after 3rd period, Nini went looking for the curly haired boy. He was at his lacrosse practice. She waited until he was done, trying not to look at him that much so she didn't seem suspicious. She didn't realize but Ricky noticed her. He saw the girl sitting at the bleachers, reading her book.

When practice finally ended, Ricky waited for Nini to come to him.

"Bowen!" She shouted as she ran through the field, trying to get to him.

"What?" He hummed.

"Let's do this." His eyes grew wide, and he gave her a 'are you sure?' look, to which she nodded. A soft smile crept on his face as he took her by the waist and joined their lips. Nini was surprised, but definitely didn't want to pull out. Her arm flew to his shoulder as their lips moved together, but as soon as he tried to deepen the kiss she pulled away.

"Okay!" She patted his left arm, "I'm going to math now." The girl laughed awkwardly, her cheeks flush red from the kiss they just shared. She left the field quickly and went to class.

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"Okay so first we need a contract, so we're on the same page about the rules." Nini started, as they sat down on one of the lunch tables, the girl taking out a notebook and a pink pencil.

"Rules? You really know how to zap the fun out of a situation." Ricky replied, earning a slap on his arm from Nini.

"It's important to know where we start on certain issues." The burnette tried to explain but he looked at her confused and bummed a small 'what?'. "Well for example, I don't want you to kiss me anymore."

"Uh, are you crazy? who's going to believe we're in a relationship if you don't let me touch you?"

"Bowen you might be the James Dean of this stuff but i've never had a boyfriend, I don't want all my firsts to be fake." She looked at him unapologetically.

"Roberts come on, you have the references of an 80 year-old-woman." The curly haired boy replied.

"I'm just saying, if i'm going to make out with someone i want it to be real."

"Yeah, but you kissed me first." He raised his eyebrows at her.

"This is non-negotiable." She shook her head as she started writing it down on her notebook.

"Fine... But we need to figure something out. Because people will get very suspicious if i'm not allowed to touch you." Ricky stood up and started walking around the table.

"Yeah you have a point." Nini paused, until she got an idea. "Hey what about this, you can put your hand on my back pocket!" She said excitingly.

"Hand in your back pocket? The hell is that?" The boy asked.

"16 candles? It's the opening image..." He looked at Nini confused again, "It's a couples thing." He shook his head, not knowing what he was talking about.

"You haven't seen 16 candles? Okay, two more rules. You have to watch 16 candles with me because it's a classic." She went on, but Ricky groaned. "And, we cant tell anyone this relationship is fake."

"Yeah that's obvious, first rule of the Fight Club."

"What?" Nini's eyes met Ricky's, lifting her gaze out of her notebook.

"Are you serious? You've never seen the fight club?" Nini mumbled a small 'noup'. "Oh my god, write down, after we watch the candles movie we're watching the Fight Club." He said as Nini wrote down everything he was listing.

"Okay, 16 candles, Fight Club and no snitching. Anything else?"

Ricky zones out for a second, thinking. Until an idea popped up. "I could write you notes... everyday?"

"You'd do that?"

"Sure, Jenn was always telling me to do that, so if i start sending them to you she'll be pissed." Nini's heart sunk a bit, but she tried to ignore that feeling.

"That's kinda romantic..." She laughed awkwardly, ignoring the feeling on her stomach at the thought of Ricky sending her notes everyday.

"And also, you have to come with me to my lacrosse games and parties." The curly haired boy added.

"Then, you have to drive me and my sister to school everyday." Nini said, taking advantage of how good of a driver Ricky was.

"Okay, but you're coming with me to the ski trip." A small smirk appeared on his face. Nini dozed off thinking about the ski trip, it was famous for being the place where most students lost their virginity, even more than Senior week and Prom combined. But she didn't let herself wonder that much about it.

"Ricky, that's three months away. Do you really think we're going to be doing this by then?"

"It's called like a, contingency. No one in their right mind is going to let their boyfriend go on that trip without them. So if we're still doing this by the time it comes around, you have to go with me." Ricky said dead serious now. But Nini was certain that for when the time came around, her and Ricky would be ancient history. And so she agreed.

1) NO kissing
2) Fight Club/Sixteen Candles (double feature)
4) Ricky will write Nini a note everyday.
5) Nini must go to parties and lacrosse games with Ricky.
6) Ricky drives Nini and Laila to school.

she said yes!! the story is finally getting good, prepare for some rini fluff! remember to drink water, use a mask, stay safe and check the link in my bio! ily <3

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