chapter 03

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General pov
The week had finally ended, and Monday rolled around once again. Let's just say, Nini isn't prepared for what's coming.

Nini was walking to her locker when she saw Ricky rushing down the hallway, coming her way.

"Nini! hey!" He said, completely out of breath because of all the running. As he was trying to catch a breath Nini looked down at his hands and saw an envelope.

A pink envelope.

Signed with her name.

Nini's mind was rushing, thinking about how he got that. Those letters were stuffed in the darkest part of her closet, there's NO way they could've gotten out.

"Look I really appreciate how you love the sparkles of my eyes bu—"

"How'd you get that?" The brunette interrupted him, her anxiety going through the roof.

"You sent it, on Saturday, right?"

!!Flashback to Saturday!!

Ricky pov

Wait, what?

Why did i just get a letter? I mean it's 2020, who sends letters?

"From: Nini" I read, why am i getting a letter from Nini? Nini Salazar Roberts?

I opened it and saw a piece of paper, fully written in glittery pink and purple pens.

Dear Ricky,

First of all, I refuse to call you Bowen. You think you're so cool going by your last name now. I get you don't like Richard because it's an old mans name, but I think Ricky's cute.

Did you ever think about how i felt after the kiss? If i felt anything? Of course you did, because you think EVERYONE loves you. And i hate you for that. Because you're right, everyone does love you. Including me. But not anymore.

I compiled a list of all your worst qualities:
1. When you burp you never say excuse me. And you still think everyone finds it charming, and if they don't you don't care. But newsflash! You do care. Because you actually care about what other people think.
2. You always take the last piece of pizza and never ask if anyone else wanted it. That's rude.
3. You are so good at everything. So good. You could've given other guys a chance to be good but you never did.
4. You kissed me for no reason. Even tho I knew you liked Jenn, you knew you liked Jenn and even Jenn knew you liked her. And still, you did. Why would you do that to me? My first kiss was supposed to be special, but thanks to you it wasn't.

The worst part is that that stupid nothing kiss made me like you. And i never did before. Jenn always talked about you being the cutest guy on our grade and I agreed but I never saw you THAT way.

Or maybe, that's why you kissed me. You wanted me to see you that way, and if you did, I hope you know it worked. Your little trick worked. And from then I never saw you the same.

Even tho you don't deserve it, here's a list of all the things i like(d) about you:
1. You offered to work with Jeffery Suttleman when no one did because he had lice.
2. You were the last boy to get tall, and now you're the tallest. Even when you were short it's like no one cared that you were short.
3. After you kissed me, I liked you for the rest of 7th grade, even though i saw you with Jenn. Holding hands, kissing her cheek, making her feel special. Because that's what you do, you make everyone feel special. And you're good at it.
4. Did you ever realize you have a little sparkle in you eyes? Well, i've noticed. Every single time you look at me that sparkle is there, and i hate it because i love it.

Do you know how hard is it to like someone you know will never like you back? You probably don't, but i do. It became a lot easier when Jenn and I drifted apart, at least i didn't have you hear about you on the daily.

And now, that the year is almost over, I know, I'm also over you. I can proudly say i'm now immune to Ricky Bowen. I had a very bad doze of you, but now your charms don't work on me anymore. And if you ever came back to me, and kiss me again, I know i won't fall right back into this place. I'm over this and I'm over you.

- Nini Salazar Roberts.

!!End of flashback!!

"Shit, shit, shit." Ricky heard her mumble.

"Okay, I'm flattered, I really am. It's just that I just broke up with Jenn, you know?"

"Oh, no no no. Ricky I need you to know I wrote that years ago, I'm over that." She said, shaking her hands ferociously, panicking.

"Yeah, 7th grade right, i remember..." Sh nodded, reminiscing over that spin the bottle kiss.

"Wait, did you just say you broke up with Jenn?" Nini asked, trying to process everything that was happening

"Yeah, she left me for some college dude," Ricky kept talking but Nini's mind was else where. Until, she saw Ej walking down the other side of the hallway. With an envelope on his hands.

Another letter. Fuck. She thought.

"Ricky, i'm gonna have to interrupt you for a second, forgive me for what i'm about to do."

Nini's hands cupped Rickys cheek as she pulled their lips together. He was shocked at first, but after a few seconds he kissed back, his hands flying down to her waist and their lips moving together. This was enough for Ej to turn around and leave the building, Nini side eyeing him while also kissing the curly haired boy in front of her.

When Ej finally left, Nini broke the kiss, Rickys eyes still closed. "Thank you!" She patted his chest quickly, closed her locker and left running the other way. Leaving a very confused Ricky standing in the middle of an empty hallway, just kissed by one of his middle school crushes.

Nini kept running until she realized she didn't know where she was going, so she found the nearest bathroom and locked herself in one of the toilets. After a few seconds of trying to calm herself down from what just happened, someone nocked on her stall.

"Nini, you in there?" A voice called. A voice Nini thought she recognized.

Carlos Rodriguez.

She opened the door slowly, and saw Carlos standing there, with a pink envelope on his hands.

"Uh, I wanted to give this back to you, it looked personal..." he started.

"Carlos, im sorry. I wrote that years ago." Nini tried to explain herself.

"Yeah, freshman homecoming?" The girl nodded. "So, I should probably tell you, I'm gay now..."

"Oh yeah, I know don't worry!"

"But please don't tell anyone, I'm out yeah, but not a lot of people know. My friends know, my mom knows, my dad kinda knows..." Carlos explained shyly.

"Don't worry, your secret's safe with me." Nini replied, taking the envelope out of Carlos' hands. "Now if you excuse me, I should go now... Thank you though!" The girl continued, looking back at Carlos as she exited the bathroom, down to the parking lot to go straight home.

shit's going down! everyone got their letters, and nini's in trouble. remember to drink water, use a mask, stay safe and check the link in my bio! ily <3

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