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She was on the brink of hyperventilating. As I drove the car through the blaring traffic. Karin was screaming out in the same voice that Gus used when he called me when he was at that gas station..

"So much depends..." I murmur, as Karin wails out one more time.

"So much depends on a red minivan....." Another screams echoes out through the car. "Driving a helpless girl and her children to safety."

I make a sharp turn as the car slides a bit on the icy road. I pull into the hospital and pull Karin out of the car. She still screams as she clutches her bump. A nurse rushes to her side as they pull her out on a stretcher.

"DAMN!!!!! THIS HURTS!!!!!" She yells out.

I try to rush over to her and comfort my best friend, but a nurse rushes pushes me away... I need to see her.

•••Karin's P.O.V•••

The world is blurry and dark.. Then again me being an emo freak. Thats what they called me in school, thats what Devon called me. But hours after I found out I was bleeding in the bathroom of Starbucks. I was still crying. Molten Lava tears now. They told me they had to knock me out with certain drugs. The yelling in the room woke me up, the babies weren't crying, all I saw was nurse clutching the tiny, limp bodies of my children. I screamed louder and they drugged me again. 2 hours later they wheeled me into my room. Then they left me alone. They tell me it was a stress-induced early labor. The babies were only 5 1/2 months, and the chances of them living through the night were small...
The only reason I'm in this situation is because of Devon and Monica, I remember Devon telling me he was having a baby with a girl who he actually loved.

•••Hazel's P.O.V•••

More screaming after 3 hours. It wasn't from Karin. I saw two nurses wheeling some pregnant lady in, she was screaming like hell and It was driving me INSANE. I push through the crowd to see who it is.......oh lord...oh god...are you kidding me? Its Monica, with Devon by her side, she's thrashing her hands to try and claw someones eyes out is what It looks like.

"GET THIS THING OOOOUUUUTTTT!!!!!" She screams at the top of her lungs. Causing the babies to kick my rib-cage, making me belch out and "Oufh!" Sound. More or Less of it was from the fact that Queen Monica was here to ruin everything. But beyond Monica trying to claw everyone, I notice a doctor with light-grey scrubs and a sad look on his face enter Karin's room.....

•••Karin's P.O.V•••

The room was silent until the doctor walked in.... He sat on the edge of my bed.

"Yes Dr. Stanford?" I say, my voice cracking.
I look at the clock. It was 3: 15 A.M. There was a chance they would survive the night. But then again no. And I'm pretty sure I was about to find out.

"Jayce. Your little Boy.. He didn't
m.m..make it...14 minutes ago..Im very sorry Karin." He says. The world suddenly goes blurry again.

"Nurse!!" The doctor screams.

My chest hurts....I don't know why...

"Her heart rate is going down!" But instead I hear the ocean.. Then suddenly Devon is in front of me..

"I love you.." He says. We're on a beach, I'm in a string bikini. And I don't have a bump.

I dont know why I would have
A bump......I dont know why I'm Here. Oh right! Devon.

He pushes me into the sand and I giggle. He lock in a loving embrace. Then the sun disappears behind the clouds and its raining. I'm on the sidewalk. And the string bikini has been replaced with A crop-top and skinny jeans. Which feel uncomfortable. Then I notice my stomach is bigger than my head.

Monica comes up behind Devon and kisses his cheek.

"C'mon Babe." She says seductively.

"Goodbye Karin." Devon says walking away. I scream and remember why I'm here. I'm in my hospital bed... I remember why I'm here....

•••••1 day later•••••

•••Devon's P.O.V•••

"Shes beautiful." I whisper to Monica as she clutches the beautiful baby in front of us.

"Monica Jr.?" She suggests. I shake my head.

"Evelyn?" I say. She shrugs.

"I don't care. Sure." She says shrugging.

Evelyn Marie.

•••Karin's P.O.V•••

Jayce Adam.. He died...

•••Hazel's P.O.V•••

"No..No! Frick. Its my fault!" I scream through the phone at Karin. She told me her son died.

"Hazel..Its not your fault. It was stress induced..." She says.

"Im coming over.." I say.

"Fine." She says. I immediately drive over. It was my mistake to wear a tight shirt though, my belly was a large 6 month bump and was HUGE. I looked like I was carrying a watermelon around. I rush into her room.

"Hi.." She says.

"Hi Karin. Are you ok?" I ask. Her eyes immediately dart to my bump. She starts crying. I hug her as she cries.

"My baby is dead.." She whispered.

"Hows Harper.?" I ask.

"I don't want to visit her...It will make me cry more. I didst even see Jayce.." She says muffled.

"Lets go see your baby then.." I say. I grab the wheel-chair next to me, grabbing her I.V. Thank god I know my way to handle a hospital.

I push her along the hallways. Until we reach the nursery. Babies are screaming and the nurses are running around everywhere. I stare at the biggest baby, over-powering everyone at screaming. I stare down at the tag.

"Hello! My name is- Evelyn Marie Anderson!
My Mommy-Monica Anderson.
My Daddy- Devon Anderson." I sigh and laugh to myself. Shes just like her mommy.
A nurse walks over to us.

"Hi! How can I help you girls?" She says.

"Umm. This is Karin Walters. She had her babies Sunday Night. Twins. Harper and umm. Jayce. " I say, more softly on the "Jayce" part. She mouths "Ok." and walks us into a different, smaller part of the nursery. She sanitizes our hands, and puts masks on our faces. She sits Karin down and walks over to the other side of the room. She places her hands in a decorated incubator, with Harper in it. Shes so tiny. Her tiny chest puffs up and down. Her little arms flail everywhere as the nurse wraps her up tightly. Her little fingers slip out. The nurse places Harper in her arms, and her fingers less than half of my pinkies, they wrap around Karin's thumb as she stares down at her daughter.

"With all the treatment, and her being the healthiest preemie I've ever seen, she has a great chance of going home in less than 5 months." The nurse says to Karin, but she just stares down at her daughter, the world revolving on nothing but her baby. I hear another scream echo out from the other part of the nursery.

"Wait. Karin. Her and Evelyn, Devon and Monica's kid, they're half-sisters. When will you tell her?" I ask, the thought hitting me.

"Gah, I dont care, I have her in my arms and thats what matters." She says.

That was what matters. So I let them be.

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