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" Halloween is the one night of the year when a girl can dress like a total slut and no one can say anything about it."

A quote from Mean Girls. But lets just say, when you are 4 months pregnant with twins, the most I can get to, is me in shorts with a crop top on. Issac came over the day before Halloween and just blubbered on how we should do a "couples costume" I said no, and after an hour of more suggestions, I finally agreed. We woud be zombies. Which secretely I though was a terrible idea, since pregnant ladies arent even allowed to do the cool stuff, like latex and fake blood. So when Issac came back with strawberry syrup, baby powder, hersheys powder. I though I was going to be the most fakest zombie in the appocalypse. But the creepiest thing he got was a little baby doll with all of its limbs detached and in Issac's arms. He told me to lay down, So I did. My mom came upstairs and made sure he didn't q-tip my eyes out. I actually turned out pretty cool. But before I could go, he held me down and pulled up my shirt, which it being cold in my room, drove the babies into a kicking frenzy.

" This part is going to be wierd." He told me. He took the doll limbs and traced the outline of the plastic with  elmer's glue, and glue each limb onto my belly. He took a shirt that I had and cut holes in it. Covered my bump with strawberry syrup and pulled the shirt over. I looked pretty cool. I did his makeup, we both looked cool in all. We skipped downstairs and got pillow cases. I was about ready to skip out the door without Phillip, but mom stopped me.

"We need to get oxygen to the babies, Hazel." She scolded.

"But I'm dead and I dont NEED oxygen." I shot back at her.

"Yeah, but they are." She said pointing to my belly.

"Hmmph." I sighed. The cool part of my costume died like a zombie, I dont remember zombies having oxygen tanks and giant bellies in World War Z.

"Love you honey, stay safe, and Issac, Hazel is already pregnant, so dont think of doing anything tonight." My dad said sternly.

"EEEWWW! DAD!!" I screamed. I ran out the door after that. My parents are wierd.

We ran house to house, filling our bags with sugary goodness. Hershey bars, Milky ways, Snickers, Twix. It was amazing. Of course Issac kind of ran ahead of my beacuse every time I ran, Phillip would break loose. By the time we were at the house before mine, my pillow case was filled up bigger that my head. Of course I may or may have not eaten SOME as in HALF of my candy as soon as we got to my door.

"Got any skittles?" Issac asks me.

"Umm, one fun sized bag, what are you willing to trade though senor?" I joke.

"Well senorita, I have a butterfinger with your name on it." He replies. I throw him over the skittles and lean forwards to grab the butterfinger out of his food-coloring-stained hands. I unwrap it, then throw it into my mouth.

"MMMMmmm! THAAAAANK YOOU!" I say sugar rushed. I run around my room like a two year old then plop onto my bed. I havent had this much sugar sinse I was only like 13.  It feels good to be in a way a normal kid. Except i'm pregnant and at the same time I have cancer. In a WAY like a normal kid.

"Goodbye Hazel." Issac says. His mother is at the door. I hear her, he is about ready to go out the door when I blurt out something that I only have ever said to 3 people, my parents, and Augustus Waters.

"I love you...." I blurt out. He turns around, attemps to walk over to me.

"I love you too...." He says back, then kisses my forehead, then I direct him to my lips. BEST KISS EVER. After one more kiss, he walks out the door. I flop over on my bed, happy and dazed.

I love Halloween......

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