A Day with Karin

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Karin has grown to be one of my best friends. Besides My parents, Issac and Gus. Who knew that me, a lil' ol' loner, would ever have friends?! We went out to Starbucks today, she drove and I sat in the passenger seat. We arrived there, it being somewhat packed from it being a Saturday. We both are 5 months along, and extremely happy we get to be halfway there. We walked in and flopped down on a chair, until we reminded ourselves we were hungry. So we unhappily went into the 10 person line, ordering 2 tomato paninis 2 iced teas and 3 cookies, apparently we have a lot in common. We ate and talked, to be honest it was pretty boring, until the two people I wouldn't want to see until I was 40 and the kids were grown up.
Who was to show up but Little Miss Monica. I almost choked on my iced tea, then fumbled to get my phone, and quickly snapped a photo on my phone. I texted it to Issac Saying
"Guess who I saw today." And in less than a minute he texted back saying-
"Pound her..." So I was on a new mission. I guess. Monica had a boy around her arm, he was bulky and dark haired, and Karin was eyeing him viscously.
"Ummm, is that?"I attempted to ask, but Karin cut me off.
"The most phony, backstabbing, dirtiest ex ever? Yes." She said angrily. Karin's ex seemed to eye Karin ever minute or so, mouthing words and giving her dirty looks. The barista called Monica's name, she stood up, her jacket swinging to the side, revealing a huge stomach, obviously telling me that she was pregnant too.
"Wow, that makes sense." I said to myself, I didn't necessarily know why Issac and her broke up, but now it made sense. I snapped another picture to Issac, saying-
"Did you know about this?" On cue he texted back saying-
"She told me she was pregnant with another guys baby, and that we couldn't see each other any more."
Karin was silent, her fists clenched by her sides. Her ex got up and walked over.
"Hello, Karin." He said.
"What do you want Devon?" She snarled.
"Just to tell you that I am very much happy with someone who is much better than you, and who is this? You're little helper? Don't spend time with her, she's just a waste." He tells us, now that infuriates me.
"You! First of all, Karin is amazing and you should have never deserved her! Second of all, she's 5 freaking months pregnant! C'mon dude that's sick!" I yell at him. Monica walks over, Monica never knew me too well, only well enough to know that I was pregnant and her ex was my new boyfriend.
"Ugh, you're pregnant too? Surprise, Surprise Hazel." She tells me.

"Just get away from me you little.... Oh wait, I cant say that word..because there are FREAKING CHILDREN AROUND!!" I yell pointing at the kid sitting across the room.

"Oh.....well...um...w..we're OUT of here!" She stumbles.

She runs out of the room, grabbing Devon by the wrists. He does some kind of flirty sign at Karin and she just rolls her eyes. I let out a light laugh as I watch them speed away.

"Well shes a-"

"You don't even need to answer because I already know." Karin says wittily.

"Yes!" I say.

"Meh. Well Im using the bathroom. Be right back." She say and I nod my head.

In my head I was thinking.

"Wow..Were a bunch of pregnant badasses. Hmm...Maybe I should right like a book or something." But then I hear the sound of the heavy wood door slamming in the distance, and Karin hurrying towards me, her light brown hair swaying behind her in the distance. A look of pure mortification on her face. Tears threatening to spill out of her eyes.

"Im bleeding, Hazel." She says.

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