Chapter 1- "Breaking News"

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(Third Person)

~~~~~~"Breaking News - Shooting in ally near mall stopped by Superhero Mike-ro-wave."~~~~~~

"I suggest you stop right there" A voice shook down the deathly silent alley way. The gunman turned to the mysterious person.

"S-stop or-r I'll shoot" A nervous stutter had now formed on the gunman. Every criminal feared Mike-ro-wave.

The hostage now had hope and even more so when Mike smiled reassuringly her way.

Michael darted forwards knocking the gun out of the man hand before he could shoot and threw a harsh punch to the surprised gunman's face.

The gun man swung back, pathetically might i add, back at Michael.

"Nope" Michael smirked as he grabbed the fist that had been coming towards him and pushed it forcefully backwards.

Michael glanced quickly behind him to see the woman running out of the alley and to the police. Turning around again he was just in time to see the injured criminal struggling to stand.

Chuckling as he went Michael moved forward and pulled him up with his hands behind his back.

"Have a good time in prison mate"


Hello !

Short update-185 words, I might try to update every Monday but don't hold me to that.

-Natasha xx

Superhero-Muke ft Cashton    (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now