That's the Famous Bucky Barnes

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Take a deep breath.

You stood outside the avenger complex trying to find your nerve to go in. It's been a hell of 8 months since the incident. You remind yourself that this is what you wanted, to be back crime fighting, kicking ass and working for your country. That still didn't quell the anxiousness.

Deep breath, go.

You grab the elevator up to the third floor, where Natasha immediately greets you.

"Welcome back," she embraces you excitedly, making you feel at home again.

"Thanks Nat," you say to her pulling on your duffle bag.

"I'm so excited. Your old room is exactly how you left it, of course. Steve wouldn't have it any other way. How are you feeling?" She asked guiding you to your room.

The question you've been dreading.

"I'm doing good, stronger than ever. I've been light training the last two months and ready to be back into it." It's wasn't a lie, but it also didn't feel like the truth.

"So what's new? Anything noteworthy happen?" You ask changing the subject.

"Not too much," she continued. "I guess the biggest buzz since you left was the arrival of Bucky. Steve finally convinced him to leave Wakanda. You'll be doing one on one training sessions with him and Steve once your cleared for close combat. So be prepared, Bucky can be intense. But he'll get you back in fighting shape in no time," You half listen to her opening your door.

Training wasn't what plauged your mind. You loved to train, it's easier to beat the pain that way. It was the questions, the looks, that concerned you.

You drop your bag and look around the room, that was once so familiar. "I might as well give you a heads up," Natasha started. "Steve and Tony put together a little welcome home party tonight." You shook your head, partly excited and partly anxious.

You wanted to come back quietly but any party that involves Tony would be loud and with bang. "I appreciate the heads up. I had a feeling that Steve might put something together."

Steve kept in touch with you every week after the incident. He sent flowers and books to help with the stress and loneliness. He tried to visit but you refused. You didnt want anyone, let alone Captain America, to see you so weak and vulnerable. You hated anyone to see you like that.

"Yea he really missed you too. Really (y/n) we all did," Natasha says, as you notice the flowers on the table.

You pick up the card next to the yellow roses.

Glad you're back. Can't wait to see you.
--- Steve.

"I'll let you get settled in and we'll see you tonight around 7:30. I was told you cannot be late or you'll be in trouble," Natasha teased closing your door, leaving you in silence.

You shoot her a smile as she departs.

You're here, you can do this.

After a long shower, you looked outside and already saw the line of black, unmarked, glamorous cars start to pull through.

Looks like a dress it is.

You start to rummage through your old closet when you come across a slinky black dress.

You hadn't dressed up like this since the incident and decide to go full out, curled hair and cat eyes accompanied by a red lip.

Slipping on the dress you notice that the spaghetti strap doesn't cover your new scar which travels from around your shoulder and part of your upper back.

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