Focus, Focus, Focus

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As the yoga instructor calmly guided the class to downward dog you tried to clear your thoughts.

You decided to get out of the compound for the day and made your way into the city, hoping some yoga would make you more reflective. But it only went so far.

As you laid on your mat you thought about Steve. He had texted asking for another date tonight, you declined, it was girls night.

But if you were going to move on you couldn't keep holding off and said yes to Tuesday night.

Breath in, breath out

You walked back into the compound a little after 4 to shower and change for dinner with Wanda and Nat.

As you entered your room the hairs on your neck stood up. Something wasn't right.

You slowly lowered your gym bag, scanning the small room for any indication of an intruder.

You reached for your gun behind your wall mirror and slowly walked around the room.

The bed was made, you looked under it. Nothing there.

You opened the closet, just clothes.

You walked slowly toward the bathroom and opened it slowly, empty.

You lowered your gun.

You're being paranoid.

You took a deep breath in as you walked back past your bed. But your nose smelled a hint of citrus and woods.


Now you're just being crazy

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Now you're just being crazy

You shook it off. As you slipped off your clothes his scent lingered, triggering his memory.

Great, I've been doing okay all day. Now I'm creating him out of thin air.

You laughed out loud as you laid out a green silk blouse and jeans, before turning on the shower.
"So what's up with you and Steve," Wanda asked over the table.

Your cheeks heated. Girl talk wasn't usually this hard but you hadn't told either of them about what happened between you and Bucky. And you knew Natasha was the one who had encouraged Steve to ask you out.

"We're hanging out, I guess," you said sipping your drink.

"That's all?" Wanda grinned."Sounds hot."

Natasha laughed and you followed.

"I mean at least you seem to be getting out of your funk a bit," Natasha commented.

"Funk?" You questioned.

"Yeah," she said. "You know you've been a little," she threw her hands up gesturing. "I don't know?...Gone?"

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