Where did he go?

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Felix point of view

It's been over 5 hours since cry left. I'm starting to worry. Sweat beads down my face and I begin to get my stuff on when the news came on the tv.

"News is reporting that the missing experiment that escaped a secret lab was sighted today at a cafe, we don't have to much on the idea yet but we will keep you posted." I stopped listening at experiment. They SAW him!? Why was cry so careless of what he does? I needed to hurry and find cry before these people did. I grabbed my coat and started to open the door when I heard the patio door open in the back.

"Felix! You here?" He closed the door and walked into the kitchen. He was crying, I could tell from how his voice sounded. He saw me and stopped.

"Felix... They came for me. They were AFTER ME! Those damn DOCTORS! There after what is still in me." He went silent for a minute. I ran up to him and hugged him hard. Probably harder then needed. He continued to cry in my shoulder and I let him. These people need to treat others the way they want to be treated, I thought.

Edgar comes running up and running around our legs and we both laugh, lazy bastard finally decides to exercise. Maya is still laying on a cushion in the living room.

"How bout some Nutella and toast for lunch cry?" I say happily to him. He sniffled and nodded like 15 times. I made like 8 pieces of toast for him. And gave him a extra jar for waiting. It's amazing how much Nutella this guy can eat, he will have a jar before and another jar for his toast! I finish toasting up the bread and carry the plate to him. He was already done with the first jar and I laughed.

"Gimme toast and Nutella!"

"Not until I get me a thank you kiss" I said laughing. He kiss me and ran off into the living room with the toast and Nutella.

'This is the cry I know and love' I said to myself

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