Is somthing wrong?

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Cry point of view

1 month later

I wake up sitting on the couch. I see felix in the kitchen making what looked like soup. I get up and felix tells me to sit down.

Is something wrong cry?"

"Wha-what makes you thing something I wrong?" I asked the best I could not sounding like I am lying but failed horribly.

"Cry, tell me the truth. Please don't keep secrets from me, it will only cause trouble." I already did cause trouble I thought.

" ugh, fine." I told him the story of ever since we rejected the surgery to get rid of the weird DNA out of me, I have been getting these crazy thoughts of killing and murdering innocent people. He stared at me, awestruck. When I finished with me almost killing a guy but refused. He stood up and walked to the kitchen to get the soup off the stove.

"He gave me a card felix. Has a phone number on it. Should I call him?" I asked.

"If you want to but you don't know who or what he does." Felix replied.

I decided to do it so I can find out who this guy was. I dialed the number into my phone and waited.

"Hello this is Dr. Fennigen, how may I help you?"

"Hey, uh, it's me from last night. Can I meet with you somewhere? For a coffee or something?

"Sure, I'll be there in about 15 minutes.

"Ok, bye"

I got a bye back and then I hung up. I told pewds I was going out and he said be carful. I replied with a sure thing and I went to the coffee shop.


I met with him and we ordered a coffee each. Then he turned to me and asked what I wanted to meet up for.

"Well, the problems haven't stopped. I was wondering what you do in your life. What is your job?"

"Cry, we know who you are, we have been watching you to make sure that you weren't taken or hurt. I'm from the ISYA.
intensive security youth association. I have been expecting you cry. Every since you rejected the surgery, we have been one step behind you."

That's why he didn't run from me that night.

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