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"Wait, what? Your going to tell me about your past?" Chris asked in disbelief.

I was about to answer when my phone rang. I put my pointer finger up telling Chris one second. I pulled my phone out of my pocket not bothering to check the caller I.D before I answered.

"Hello?" I say.

"You little bitch! You went off to find your real father didn't you?! Didn't you?! Well I only wanted to call to let you know that I will find you and your faggot of a father and when I do your coming home with me then your never going to see anyone ever again!" And with that he hung up.

I had recognized the voice right away. It was my step father Danny. No not Danny Worsnop from Asking Alexandria although I so wish. My step father is Danny Lane. He's a big tough man with long black hair, green eyes, lots of tattoos and piercings, and the cherry on top is he's an ex wrestler.

He sounds pretty neat huh? Well he is you know minus the fact that he's a crazy, psychotic freak! I can't tell you how many times I've had to run away from him because he was trying to kill me.

"Who was that? Your just staring into space." Chris said pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Oh that was my step dad Danny. He said that he's gonna find me and you and when he does he's gonna take me home and I'll never see anyone again." I answer.

Chris looks at me worriedly then pulls me into a hug out of nowhere. I guess he could see it in my eyes that I was scared of Danny finding me. No matter how much I tried to hide it, my eyes couldn't. My eyes never could, they've always been my downfall because they always show my true emotion and I hate that.

"You don't have to hide it from me. If your scared, tell me but don't hide it because that'll only hurt you worse. Me and the guys are always here for you ok? Promise me you won't hide anything?" He whispers.

"I promise. I promise from the bottom of my heart. I love you daddy." I whisper back.

He kisses my head before pulling away and saying "I love you too Sweet Pea."

I had never been called Sweet Pea before. I had always been called Babygirl or Angel but never Sweet Pea. I liked it. It was different and I liked it.

"Now what did you want to tell me?" He asks.

"Oh I- uh- wanted to tell you about my past. Remember I haven't told anyone about this so if you betray me and tell other people about this you are no longer my friend. You got that?"

"Got it."

"Now it's time for your feature presentation of- dun dun duuunnnn- my past. I'm going to tell this as if it were a fairy tale.

Once upon a time a little girl named Heaven was born but she had no father so her mother took care of her. Her mother fed her, dressed her and cared for her up until she was seven. When Heaven turned seven she got a new father named Danny. He was 6 foot 4 with tattoos and piercings. (AN: I just got like really mad at Wattpad because I was almost done with chapter and it didn't save it so I'm having to rewrite what I wrote. Ugh!) He was very scary. He treated Heaven and her mother wrongly.  He abused them, starved them, and never let them go anywhere.

It got so bad that Heaven had to go to the hospital many times. Some of those many times almost dying. The cherry on top though? She was also bullied at school. Not just being insulted and picked on, but beaten too... it hurt, a lot. Not just physically but mentally and emotionally. I hated it.

Even when my mom died no one cared. Danny seemed like he didn't notice she was gone. He just took all his anger out on me. He also tightened his security on me. He was always watching me, never taking his eyes off me. The only time he did was when he was drunk off his mind and couldn't think straight. He didn't notice I started to self harm.

But I got away from all that. I got away from it all the day my aunt called and said you were my dad. I had immediately gone into my mom's room and gotten my birth certificate then got all my things together then found you. Ever since then I've felt better. I feel loved and cared for. And I wouldn't have it any other way." I finished.

I look up to see Chris crying. I reach over wiping the tears away as he looked at me confused then snuggled into my hand. I smiled then realized I hadn't taken my hand back yet. Before I had the chance to say anything or pull my hand back Chris pulled me into a tight hug.

"No one should have to go through that. Ever. I'm just glad your here with me." He said.

Next thing I know there's four other pair of arms wrapping around us. I look up to see the guys hugging us. I smiled as I cuddled into Chris' chest. We stayed there for five minutes until Chris' phone rang. We all dispersed so he could answer it. He walked into the living room area as he answered it.

"Hello?" Chris said. To say we were eavesdropping would be... the exact word because that's exactly what we were doing.

"Babe calm down ok? No I haven't been home, I've been touring for the past month. What? I don't even know what that is. What the fuck are you talking about? Wait what? No Jessica please don't do this. Don't say that.

Well what am I suppose to say? Am I suppose to say that I found out I have a 16 year old daughter that I have no idea how to raise her?! That's right I have a fucking daughter! Well duh you didn't know because I didn't tell you. I mean that's obvious. Please don't break up with me. Your the best thing that's happened to me in a while and I don't want to lose you." Chris begged almost crying.

Me and the guys looked at each other. I was completely confused as to who he was talking to. I mean obviously it's his girlfriend but I was still confused.

"Wait what do you mean your almost to the bus?! Well how do you know it's our bus? Oh right... forgot about that. Oh no you just- just come right on in.

No we're not doing anything. Of course I'm being sarcastic! I'm trying to talk to my daughter and I want to do it alone please and thank you! Well you can come over here just please leave me alone so I can talk to Heaven. I don't care- oh good your here." Chris smiled as hung up the phone.

As soon as he did there was a knock on the door. Just before Chris was able to get to the door Ghost and Ricky ran and opened it. He opened the door with a nervous smile.

"Hey Jessica! Nice to see ya again. Come in." Ricky greeted from behind Ghost.
Oh great another person I thought as a tall, pretty brunette girl walks in.

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