Devil's Night//3

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&!€! € 1 month later&!€! €

We were currently in Salt Lake City, Utah. I never realized until now how much I hated and loved that city. It was absolutely horrid. There was people everywhere and anywhere you tried to go. But at the same time the people were so nice. Well most of them were, others not so much. They made sure you weren't hurt and that you had everything.

Right now we're sitting backstage listening to the fans chant the band's name waiting for them to come out. So far the guys haven't learned anything about me except the fact that I love to draw and sing.... really loudly. I plan to open up to them more sooner or later but I'm leaning more towards sooner. Right now we were just talking. We still had at least half an hour until the show starts so I wanted to tell them a couple things.

"Guys can I tell you something? I wanna tell you the reason as to why I'm here." I announced.

"But didn't you already tell us that? You came because your aunt thought it would be best if you came to Chris at least that's what you and Chris told us." Balz said confused.

"Well that is why I came but there's another reason. It's one thing I didn't want Chris to know at first but I think your ready, your all ready."

"It's about your mom isn't it? It's one of the things you wouldn't tell me." Chris said.

"My mom died in a hit and run about a month before I came to you guys. Plus there's a possibility that my step father, Danny, is looking for me. He didn't want me to go anywhere before my mom died and he still doesn't want me to go anywhere now and I left without him knowing. He won't stop until he finds me but he when he does find me say goodbye because you'll probably never see me again."

The guys look around at each other then back at me. They all murmured about it until their manager told them it was time to go on a couple minutes later. As we walked to the stage it was completely silent. We got to the stage where they hugged me then ran on stage.

"Thank you and have a good night!" Chris yelled into the mic.

They all ran backstage grabbing a water bottle as they did. After we had gotten back to the dressing room the guys took off their makeup then sat down. We were all just sitting there not saying anything.

They went and did their meet and greet thing then we were back on the bus. I had decided to go to bed while the guys stayed up doing whatever it is they do. I didn't go to sleep instead I stayed up thinking about whether or not I should tell everything about my past to the guys. After five or ten minutes of thinking I decided that I should just tell Chris instead of all them at once.

"Chris!" I yelled not getting answer nor did he come running back here. "Daddy!"

"What do you want?!" He yelled back.

"Can I talk to you back here please? Alone?!"

I heard him sigh loudly before walking back here. He walked over to my bunk and pulled back the curtain to sit down. He sat down next to me and slightly patted my leg. I smiled then sighed.

"I want to tell you something not many people know about... My past."
Hey guys!
So short chapter but hey! at least I know -well I think- you guys like this story. Plus I'm really tired, I haven't gotten much sleep at all.
Anywhore vote/comment/all that good stuff. Enjoy the chapter!

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