The Home Visit

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As the car rounded the driveway Umeko tried her best to compose herself. She was fighting so many feelings rushing inside of her, she liked Kyoya and she would love to be with him, but how would he treat her when they were alone? Would he be as charming as Umeko hoped? The car stopped, Umeko’s door opened to reveal a beautiful home. Umeko walked up to the front door, pushing the bell on the side.

“Welcome Umeko-san.” The woman standing beside the door bowed to her

“Thank you.” Umeko smiled as she entered, her car driving off behind her

Before Umeko had a chance to take in her surroundings she heard a familiar voice call to her, her eye’s found Kyoya immediately.

“Good evening Umeko-chan.” He smiled brightly walking to her.

“Good evening Kyoya.” Umeko blushed in an instant, she couldn’t help it he was just so cute.

“I have some bad news about our research.” Kyoya stated, leading her up the stairs “The library is going to be occupied tonight. We will have to use my room.”

Kyoya’s hand was on the small of Umeko’s back as he opened the door to his room. Umeko looked up at Kyoya as he smiled down at her leading her into the room. Umeko walking in and stopped as the door closed behind her. There was classical music playing and there was a laptop with books next to it on the table, waiting for them. Umeko’s heart began to race, she knew her face was starting to turn red and her mouth became dry. Kyoya noticed how nervous Umeko was becoming, he had to do something to calm her down.

“Would you like something to drink?” Kyoya gestured to the table, placing his hand on Umeko’s back again.

Umeko nodded nervously as she walked forward. Kyoya could feel Umeko’s body trembling beneath his hand, she was fighting to walk straight. She kneeled down on the pillow set for her and Kyoya handed her a glass of water. She reached for it with shaky hands, Kyoya had to turn his attention to the laptop before he made a move for her.She looked so adorable sitting next to him, losing herself in her nerves. It is far too soon for me to start my plan now.

Kyoya pulled up the research he had found earlier as Umeko put her glass down and moved closer to see the screen. Her closeness made Kyoya stiffen, he found it so hard to keep his mind on the screen when he could feel the warmth from her body.

“I feel we could use this information for our project. It seems to sum up what we are trying to convey.” Kyoya turned to Umeko, her eyes traveled the screen, but he could see she hadn’t read a word. Her eyes found their way to his and she couldn’t look away. Kyoya couldn’t take it anymore, he reached to pull her into his arms and capture her lips until he kissed her senseless. Umeko could see what Kyoya was planning to do, her body tightened waiting to feel his hands on her, but she didn’t move away.

“Kyoya?” The knock on the door stopped both of them in their tracks, Kyoya’s head turning to glare at the door. He rose to open it, already knowing who was on the other side.

“Fuyumi, please come in.” Kyoya did his best to fake a smile, but all he wanted to do was feel Umeko pressed against him.

Umeko straightened on the pillow, watching as Fuyumi make her way towards her with a tray.

“Umeko, it is so nice to meet you. I am Fuyumi, Kyoya’s sister.” She looked Umeko over and sat across the table from her, placing the tray down.

“It is nice to meet you too Fuyumi.” Umeko smiled, her eyes watching Kyoya make his way back over. She couldn’t shake the feeling of having Kyoya touch her, the anticipation was killing her.

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