The Meeting

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Kyoya’s day was going smoothly, all his classes had been a breeze thus far until her realized what class he was heading to next.  His last class of the day was economics, the class he shared with Umeko. He had not found a picture of the girl during his research last night and frankly he never paid attention enough to the people that surrounded him in any of his classes. If only Tamaki had been in this class, he always paid attention to every girl that was near him. Kyoya walked into class and took his seat, the rest of the class filing in behind him.

There was about 15 minutes left in class when the teacher stopped her lesson to announce the groups for the projects.  The groups were called off alphabetically and Kyoya knew he was at the end of the list, so he waited patiently.

“…and lastly Kyoya Ootori and Umeko Takoya. All groups please get together and start your discussions on your topic. The project is due in two weeks, so use the most of the time provided.”

The class began to move around, taking their places next to their partners. As the people began to thin out a small figured appeared in front of Kyoya’s desk.

“Hi Kyoya, I’m Umeko” She said with a bright smile, hands wrapped around her books.

Kyoya went silent for a moment, but in that moment her studied everything about Umeko he could. She was short, with long brown hair, and dark brown eyes that were accented by her small black framed glasses. Her school uniform was fit perfectly to her and completely pristine, but Kyoya couldn’t stop staring at that smile. Kyoya felt like it was lighting up the room, completely warm and inviting.

“It is a pleasure to meet you Ms. Takoya.” Kyoya said rising and pulling a chair up next to him “Please take this seat.” He added holding his hand out with a smile. Umeko continued to smile and sat as Kyoya pushed in her chair.

“I feel like this project isn’t going to be that complicated. I think we both know enough about economics in our country to make a great project.” Umeko said with a small laugh

“I feel exactly the same way, a small power point presentation should be just enough. Of course we will need to spend some time together outside of school to complete this project.”

“Of course.” Umeko replied with a slight blush. Kyoya noted the blushed that crept across her face, perfect she’s already interested in me. Kyoya smiled slyly as he turned his attention to his notebook.

“What would be the best days for you to work on this?” He peered at her over the rim of his glasses. He knew he couldn’t ease up on the charm or the seduction, he had no time to waste.

“Um well , today is Monday so would tomorrow work for you?” Kyoya watched as Umeko became rather uncomfortable, obviously unsure of how the conversation was going to go.

"Tomorrow should work out just fine. What time is best?"

"I guess 6:30. I have piano lessons until 6, that should give me enough time." Kyoya watched as Umeko hesitated with the rest of her sentence, playing with her hands in her lap "Where are we meeting?" The blush had returned, darker this time. Umeko tried desperately to cover her face with her hair, head down watching her hands.

"Well the school will be closed by then." Kyoya brought his pen to his lips, eyes to the ceiling. Umeko was staring at Kyoya, her bottom lip caught between her teeth, breath held, and eyes wide. She was waiting for Kyoya to make his move, obviously she would never initiate them meeting at her home, possibly in her bedroom. No, a girl of this social status would never even think to say those words to a boy she just started a conversation with.

"My family’s home does have a very expensive library. We could always meet there to research." Kyoya smiled, waiting for Umeko to answer.

"Sure." Umeko blurted out a little too quickly. She noticed her eagerness as well. Turning away and reaching for her notebook. "Write down your address and I will have my driver take me there."

Kyoya took the notebook from her, brushing his hand against hers in the process. Kyoya felt her hand tense as she passed the notebook. He wrote down his address and handed it back just as the bell rang to end the day. The class began to empty as Kyoya and Umeko made their way into the hall.

"Are you off to your club?" Umeko asked as they began walking down the hall.

"Yes. My work is never done there." Kyoya replied as they both laughed.

They had reached the main entrance where Umeko's car was waiting for her.

"Until tonight." Kyoya smiled, taking her hand and placing a small kiss upon it.

"I look forward to it." Umeko watched as Kyoya released her hand and backed away. She disappeared into her car and drove away. Leaving Kyoya baffled by her last statement, how very bold of her, perhaps this will be easier than I thought. He pondered the rest of his way to music room three how the evening would go and how he would manage to get Umeko into his bedroom. However hard Kyoya was up for the challenge.

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