The Delivery

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Umeko was out the door by 9am, she couldn’t wait to shadow in her last class. It was only for two hours, but she still loved it. She was kind of sad this was her last day, she wanted to get back to her home, but she did love university life.


Two hours later Umeko was on her way back to the house, she was day-dreaming the whole car ride. I can’t believe it’s over. I’ve had such a great time and there were so many great people. Much better than I thought it was going to be. Umeko was so worried everyone would treat her differently because they wanted her money or wanted a link into her family, but it didn’t happen. The people that talked to her wanted to know her and wanted to be her friend.

She walked inside and placed her bag down, turning to the kitchen to get a drink.

“Umeko, a package came for you and is waiting in your room.”

“Thank you Sakami.” She took her glass and made her way to her room.

As soon as Umeko opened the door she was greeted by the biggest bouquet of flowers she had ever seen. She giggled slightly, wondering who would send her such a magnificent gift. She reached for the small card tucked inside the flowers and opened it up.

‘The days spent without you have been dull and gray. I miss your smile, your laughter. I cannot wait to see you again and feel the warmth of your presence. Truly Yours, Kyoya.”

Umeko lowered the card slowly, her mouth still hanging open. I cannot believe he sent this and said such wonderful things. She turned back to the flowers, smelling them deeply. Maybe he’s not who I thought he was. I should give him another chance.

Umeko took a seat in front of the flowers and played with the purple ribbon tied around them. I’m really excited to get back, I have so much waiting for me. She opened the card back up looking at the writing inside, it was a hand written .‘Truly yours’ Umeko sighed Oh Kyoya I can’t wait to see you again.

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