The Challenge

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It was late Sunday night when Kyoya was summoned to his father's office. This was a rare occasion, Kyoya wasn't sure if he had done something wrong or if he was being reminded of how much he was not impressing his father. As he approached the office door he knocked before entering, adjusting his glasses as he waited for the answer to come inside.

"Come" was all that resounded from inside. Kyoya took a breath and straightened as he opened the door to walk inside.

Walking toward the desk his father sat behind he waited to be offered a seat, just standing waiting to be addressed.

"Take a seat Kyoya." He sat as he waited for his father to continue "As you know Kyoya, the company is looking to build a new hospital and we have a certain piece of land in mind. However, this land is owned by a family we do not have a relationship with."

Kyoya listened to his father intently as he spoke, wondering what he could do in this situation, what he had to offer his father that his brothers could not provide. His father continued.

"What I need from you Kyoya is for you to start a relationship between our families. The family has a daughter your age, who also attends Ouran. I want you to form a relationship with this girl, she is the key to the Ootori family gaining that land. The sooner you begin this process the sooner we will be able to attain the land. Is this clear Kyoya?" His father leaned back in his chair, hands clasped together, his stare digging deep into Kyoya.

"I understand father. What is the girl's name?" Kyoya pulled a pen and paper out of his breast pocket.

"Her name is Umeko Takoya. She is in your economics class, which I know you have a group assignment coming up in. I have already taken the liberty of have the two of you put together." His father stated with a smirk "Remember Kyoya, the clock is ticking."

Kyoya stood with a low bow to his father and turned towards the door. He went straight to his room and pulled his laptop out, searching the name Umeko Takoya. He had to find out as much about her and her family as he could. The Takoya family was very wealthy, all of their power lying in the real estate business. They own or have owned most of the land that almost every major business was built on. Their family has been in business for at least three generation, Umeko's great-grandfather Maytaka was no longer alive, but her grandfather Ushino and father Inisho were now in full control of the business. Umeko, being the only grandchild of Ushino and first daughter of Inisho was in line to be the sole heir to the company. Kyoya knew that if one of his brothers were of the right age they would be the ones in charge of this situation. There would be no way that a family like this would want anything to do with a third son. Kyoya assumed that his father was hoping Inisho would be so pleased that a member of the Ootori family was showing interest in his daughter that he would overlook the rank of him.

Kyoya sighed as he looked over at the clock, it was already 2am. He closed his laptop, deciding he had learned as much as he could for this night. Tomorrow he would start in on Umeko, charming her and winning her over so that their families could begin business together. The biggest challenge would be keeping this a secret from the host club, he would pass it off as a legitimate love interest. He would never want them to know the real reason, that he had to fool this girl into loving him. Kyoya knew it was for the good of his family and there was nothing more important than that.

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