Chapter 3-2:Lovers Reencounter

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Mabel went to her car,it was full of bags,every one of them with different stuff in it, "Is Sarah going?" Larry asked Mabel "If you want so,I could take care of Sarah while I'm out" Mabel was about to go to Gravity Falls, "Take Sarah,so she can meet your Grunkle and your friends,OK?" Larry opened the door of the car and sat Sarah on his chair, "Goodbye Mabel,see you soon!" Mabel started the car's engine "Goodbye Larry,see ya!" Mabel went to Gravity Falls immediately after she finished talking.

When she arrived to the shack,Grunkle Stan went to help with the bags "Hello little Mabel! How grown up you are! So beatuful! So,how is the little Sarah?" Mabel took Sarah out of her chair "She is right here! Say hello to Grunkle Stan!" Mabel handed Sarah to Grunkle Stan "Hey little Sarah! How is the little daughter of Mabel? Sure you are good,Sure you are good!" Mabel and Grunkle Stan took some bags and went to her room "Ahh....back at home...Dipper should be here..."

Sorry for the short chapter,ran out of ideas,next chapter is crazy!

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