Chapter 23; Pancakes

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Eliza's POV

"I'm glad you're safe Jess." I said. She hung up and I wiped my tears away. The girl I loved the most had just tried to kill herself. My mom walked in not long after and asked what was wrong because she could see I had been crying. I explained everything to her and let a few more tears slip. "Oh Eliza. Well it's good that shes okay. Let me know if you need anything." She walked out and closed the door behind her. I tried to get some sleep but I couldn't stop thinking about Jess. At about 2am, I texted her.

Eliza: You up?

Jess: Yeah, why?

Eliza: I'll be over in 20 minutes.

I got up and got dressed and then grabbed some food before quietly leaving and closing the door behind me. I walked the 20 minutes to Jess's apartment, and then texted her when I was at the door. She opened the door as quietly as possible and she fell straight into my arms. "I missed you." She whispered. I picked her up and we went over to the couch. "I missed you too. I'm so sorry I wasn't there today." I felt like it was all my fault because I wasn't there to help Jess today. "It's okay, you were sick. But I'm alive, which is all that matters. It's not your fault." She cuddled up close to me and eventually fell asleep right next to me. I kissed her head before falling asleep myself, her safe in my arms. 

I woke up about an hour later to Jess shaking and crying next to me. "Jess what's wrong?" I said. She looked up at me. "It was just a nightmare, I'm okay." I played with her hair while she tried to stop shaking. "Do you wanna sneak out and get food?" I said. She nodded, before jumping up to put some proper clothes on. She come back out in leggings and a red hoodie. My red hoodie. "When did you take that?!" I asked, laughing. "You left it here the other day." She giggled, taking her hand in mine as she left a note on the counter top. "Hey Pips, I've gone for a walk. I'm fine don't worry, Eliza's with me. Call me if you need me, love you." She grabbed her keys and purse and we walked out the door. "So what do you wanna eat?" I asked as we walked out the building. "I'm feeling pancakes." "How about *pancake place*?" (lmao idk any places in america that do pancakes cos im british so its up to you) She smiled and nodded. The air was crisp and it looked like it was about to rain. I regretted not putting on a coat. Jess must've seen me shivering because she said, "Are you cold? Do you want my jumper?" She began to take of MY hoodie. "No it's okay. We're nearly there anyway. And don't you mean MY jumper?" I said smirking at her. "I don't know what you mean." She giggled, looking straight ahead. 

We walked into *pancake place* and it was mostly empty. I mean it was nearly 4am so it was no surprise. We bought our pancakes and went to sit down in the corner. I sat opposite her and I couldn't help but stare at her, just like our first rehearsal. "What are you looking at?" She said with a mouthful of food. We both laughed as she swallowed and asked again. "What are you looking at weirdo?" I smiled at her. "Just you. You're beautiful, by the way." She blushed and leaned over to kiss me quickly. "Thanks. So are you." We smiled at each other and continued to eat. After about 20 minutes, we were both done. "That was so good. We should probably head back now, Pippa said she as gonna get up early today. No clue why." She went to pay, but I stopped her. "Nope. I'm paying." She tried to stop me, but I insisted. She rolled her eyes and we left, hand in hand. 

We started heading back towards her building, but as we were about to walk towards the door, I pulled her away and ran with her in the other direction. It had started raining about 10 minutes ago, and it was slippy everywhere. "Eliza! What are you doing?" I didn't answer and just continued running until we reached the park. I sat down on a bench and pulled Jess next to me. She looked around nervously. "Can we not sit here? This was where I sat yesterday when I decided to..." I nodded and we got up, and I pulled her over to the other bench. "Why are we here?" She asked. "Because I didn't want to go back yet. I love you." She smiled and grabbed my face, kissing me. We broke apart after about 2 minutes. It was raining really heavily and we were both soaked. And freezing. "Come on. Let's go back, its freezing out here." We got up and walked hand in hand, back to her apartment. 

Pippa was in the kitchen as we walked in the door. "Oh hi Pips. I hope you're not mad I left..." Jess said. Pippa turned to us and smiled. "It's okay. You two look soaked! Eliza is your mom okay with you being out?" Pippa asked. "She doesn't know..." I said quietly. "I'll call her and let you know you're here, don't worry. I'm heading to the gym, I'll be back at 9 to drop you off for therapy Jess. Eliza you're welcome to stay until whenever your mom needs you home." She said, grabbing her bag and a bottle of water. "Bye Pips." Jess said. I waved goodbye and she left. "I'm tired. Let's go sleep." Jess said between yawns. "Same." I walked over to the couch. "What are you doing?" She asked. "I'm sleeping..." She laughed and pulled me up. "Don't be stupid. You can sleep in my bed."

Pippa's POV

I left the building and waited for Jazzy to pick me up. When i saw her car, I jumped in and threw my bag in the back. "Ready?" She asked. I smiled and nodded. "She drove off, right past the gym and down the street to the theatre. We got out and Mike greeted us at the door. "Morning Jas, Pippa. Ready?" He asked leading us inside. "I'm excited." I said. We walked into the main theatre area and saw the whole cast of *show* (Jess's show that shes in) standing on the stage. "Hi everyone. We have a lot of work to do this morning, so be prepared." I said, stepping onto the stage.

1141 words :)

ooo what's pippa up toooo. dont worry she's not gonna kill someone skjfksj. but the jeliza fluff in the chapter is amazing i love them lmao.

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