Chapter 8; After

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Jasmine's POV

Jess was out for 3 hours. After 1 hour, I was starting to get worried, but Pippa helped me calm down, telling me that it would be okay. We decided not to say anything else to the cast until Jess woke up because we weren't sure if she wanted them to know anything. They were questioning us and panicking about Jess, so we took her upstairs to my dressing room and put her on the couch. "Fucking Daveed." I whispered under my breathe. Pippa chuckled a tiny bit. We both had tear stains on our cheeks, as well as Jess. ***I looked down at Jess's arms. I hadn't noticed how bad it was before.*** Tears began to run down my cheeks again. I went to grab a jumper of mine for Jess to put on when she woke up if she wanted. Pippa and I stayed by her side the entire time, and ignored it every time somebody knocked on the door. "Pippa it's been 2 hours. What if she doesn't wake up?" My voice cracked as I said the last part. Pippa walked over and put her arm around me. "She'll be okay. I promise." Something in the back of my mind was telling me she wasn't, but I tried as hard as I could to think of the positives. 

Jess started to move about an hour after that. Me and Pippa were sitting right next to her, and I was holding her hand. "Jess!" I whispered, cos I knew she would have a headache from hitting her head. "Hi." She slightly whispered. "My head hurts." She tried to sit up, but quickly went back down. "It's okay baby me and Pippa are gonna take care of you." Pippa nodded. I was still holding on to her hand and I didn't plan to let go. "Jas." She said. "Yeah?" She looked me right in the eyes. "Did you tell them?" "No. And it's up to you if you want them to know or not." She smiled and looked over at Pippa. "Are they mad at me?" Her eyes started to fill with tears. "No of course not!" Pippa placed her hand on top of mine. "And if they were, me and Jas would beat them up." She laughed as best she could. "I think I'll tell them. Later though, I'm tired." I nodded. "That's okay. Do you want me and Pippa leave so you can get some rest?" She shook her head. "No. Please stay. And can I have some water?" I got up to go get her some. "I'll be back in a minute." I walked out and quietly closed the door behind me. I walked to go and get her some water, and Groff was walking towards me. "Jasmine! Is Jess okay? I hadn't realised what Daveed had meant and why it caused her to panic, but when I thought about it more, it clicked. I will happily beat him up if you want me to." I laughed. "I think I'm gonna do that myself." I walked into the green room and everyone was in there. I ignored them all and went to get a cup for Jess. It was then that Daveed came up behind me and put his hand on my shoulder. "Jas, I'm so sorry. I don't really understand what happened, but whatever it was I'm so sorry. I-" It was then I turned round as quick as lightening and punched him in the face. "You're so stupid Daveed! You NEVER point out people scars!" I hit his arm. "Jess has been through so much, and you're just making everything worse! It doesn't matter if you don't know what happened and why it was wrong! You. Never. Point. Out. Scars!" I shouted, punching him after every word. My eyes were stained with tears and I felt Anthony and Ren pull me away. I leaned against Anthony and sobbed into his chest. "Jasmine what the fuck?!" Daveed screamed. I picked up the water for Jess and ran back upstairs. 

I slammed the door shut behind me and sunk onto the floor. Pippa ran up to me and wrapped her arm around me. Jess tried to get up, but she soon fell back onto the couch. "I'm fine I promise! Worry about Jess, not me." I said getting up. But Pippa wasn't having it. "Jasmine, you're sobbing your heart out. What the hell is wrong?" I explained what had happened and sobbed into Pippa's shoulder. "Jas." Jess said, so quiet I almost couldn't hear her. She beckoned for me to come over. I got up and sat on the couch beside her. Pippa followed. "It's okay. I'm okay." I passed Jess her water and we sat in silence for a while. "I'm ready to go and explain now." Pippa and I helped Jess up and towards the door. "Wait." She said as we were about to leave. "Can you pass me that hoodie?" I passed it to her and she pulled it over her head, it was way too big. "Okay. Let's go." We walked down the stairs to the green room. When they saw us walk in, Daveed immediately walked over to Jess. "Jess I'm so sorry." We ignored him and walked to the couch so that Jess could it down. "Okay I'm gonna explain but you all need to shut up first." Everyone went silent and Jess began to explain from the very beginning.

"Jess. I'm so sorry. I'm so stupid for not realising." Daveed said. "It's okay. You didn't know." He shook his head. "I still shouldn't have asked." Everyone was in tears. Pippa and I hadn't let go of Jess's hands the entire time. I was crying agan, but other than that I was emotionless. I stared at the wall as tears rolled down my cheeks. I snapped out of it when Jess wrapped her arms around me and hugged me. "Jas I'm so sorry for scaring you." I shook my head. "No Jess you have nothing to apologise for. You did scare me, but you don't need to apologise for it." I held her tight for a while as the cast cried and told her they were sorry for everything she'd gone through. After about 10 minutes she turned to Pippa and said "Can we go home now? My head still hurts." Pippa nodded and they got up to leave. I was going back home tonight instead of staying at Pippa's. Before they left I hugged Jess tight one more time. "I love you Jess." I said. "I love you too Jas." I hugged Pippa and told her to call me if anything happened, and they went home.

1117 words :)

i dont really like this chapter lmao my writing is sucky :( anyway i love everyone for reading my book hehe

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