Chapter 11- repair

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The real truth POV - After Galleria told her mom Dorothea what all had happened between her and Derek and Angel. Her mother was having second thoughts about Angel really being a good guy. She no longer wanted Angel coming back in and out of the Mansion that the girls were staying in. But most likely, it was for her daughters safety. Galleria has been through so much lately that Dorothea thinks that if galleria has another breakdown she won't be able to perform with the Cheetah Girls or continue to do anything at all. So now the mama bear was really coming out of her whenever she seen a guy looking to galleria she would make a mean and nasty face to them and the guys would just turn there heads the other way. The girls had no idea that when Galleria had told them about having sex with Angel that she didn't mention him actually raping her too. So, they were still clueless and trying to get into contact with Angel, but it was no use in doing so.

Three days has passed and the girls has been working hard in their rehearsals Galleria was even feeling better for three whole straight days and not once was she sad or has gotten angry. The girls had heard rumors of Derek going back home to New York along, with his best bud. Considering that they didn't run into him or his friend doing the last three weeks or any of the other classmates that were their. They thought that was a good thing. Galleria was indeed heeling. The only thing that Galleria had to do was to tell her loving father. Who she knew would get his heart broken by all of this. But Galleria was not going to tell him over the phone she was going to tell him in person as soon as they got back home about what happened. Including the pregnancy.

On on to the story.

In the Mansion - Galleria we're so glad your back to your old self we miss you! Chanel says going over to Galleria on the other couch hugging her. Thanks Chu-Chi. Yeah me too. Me three. Dorinda and Aqua says pitching in having a group hug. We did do our thing on the new song you wrote Galleria! Chanel says playfully bumping her. Yeah we did. Galleria responds back in her diva voice. Anddd she's back! Dorinda says giggling. Yup. The gangs all here and is back to normal. Galleria says smiling. Galleria does that mean your still gonna make us work 10x's as hard as before? I'll think about it. Galleria says playfully teasing Chanel. But for now I think we're pretty good for the show. Galleria says happily. Hey what's all this were hearing? Dorothea asks them? Oh nothing just some chat about the show we did pretty good in rehearsal today. Chanel says to Dorothea that's good to hear. I was wondering if you girls would like to go out and eat. Dorothea and Juanita says to them. Of course, we do we're hungry right girls? Aqua says all loud as if she's really hungry. She gets up and starts pulling all the girls off of the couch. Come on!! She screams leaving them behind. As the three girls leave. Galleria is left behind staring outside the widow. Galleria what is it? Her mother asks her. Um. It's Angel. He's here. Pointing outside of the window. Why, that little rat too-faced! Mom. It's okay. I can handle him. Are you sure? Dorothea asks her worriedly. Yes. I am. Wait for me outside? Galleria says nicely. Alright. I will.she watches as her mother goes outside. She passes Angel on the way out.

Galleria and Angel - As Angel walks up. He stops face to face with Galleria. He looks up at her and then he turns away. Angel. Why'd you do that too me? Um. Sorry. Angel says to her. Sorry isn't enough. Galleria says to him. You tricked me. You raped me. Galleria says with each of them looking into each others eyes. I know sorry isn't enough and that's why I left. I don't know why I did it. I guess I was in the moment. I forgot about what you wanted. Angel tells her. I needed someone. You weren't there. I actually fooled myself into thinking you really did love me. But no! You're just like Derek. She says pushing away getting ready to leave. No! I'm not! Angel says grabbing her arm. Angel let go! She screams softly. Hear me out! Look Galleria. I have never met any one that was more like you! Your smile,by our giggle, your laugh, your beauty, your determination and your personality. I love it all about you. I never meant to hurt. I mean it. I never meant to leave. I really mean that too. Please Galleria. I made a big mistake! Angel says getting down on his knees begging for forgivingness. I love you with all my heart! Angel says to her coming up to her face. Boy please! Stop! Galleria says giving him the talk to the hands signal. I don't believe you or anybody else anymore. Would this make you believe me? He says pulling her into a kiss. Kissing her strong and passionately. Gallerias one of foot pops up. Galleria what's taking so long. Her mother says running into the room. As she can see her daughter and Angel has already made up. Now she begins to change her mind once again. She gets back to the limo.

Oh my gosh! What's taking her so long? Aqua says irritated. She starts to get out of the car. Don't. Dorothea stops her. Why is Galleria okay? Aqua asks her seriously. Yeah. She's more than okay. What? Chanel says to her dumbfounded. Yup. Her and Angel are in there kissing. Dorothea tells them. Awwww. All of them goes. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Oka--y. Mmmm. Angel! Stop it. I have to go now. Galleria says breaking up the 3 minute kiss with her and Angel. Angel had half his hand down Galleria shirt already. But she didn't know it. She was to busy kissing him. As he loves to touch. Well I'm off. Do you have to go? He asks her giving her one last kiss. Yes. She smiles at him. Alright bye.

Bye. They both say to each other.

Angel and Galleria are back together. Now, all that is to go is The cheetah girls performing and Galleria telling her dad.

To be continued....

The story is almost over you guys!!! Sorry this was so short you guys. I didn't realize this was short. I was really tried when I typed this on my iPod and now I changed some things on my laptop.

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