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Zhan informed CID about Yibo's escape.

"Xiao zhan, what were you doing till he is escaping from presidential house ah? As soon as we found him, you're fired." Song jiyang yelled with anger at Zhan while entering to Zhan's office.

"Did you check cctv records? Could you track him?" Song jiyang asked.

"He had left the house before 3 hours. Mr.Yuan trying to track him. " Zhan answered.

"Let me know when you tracked him?" said Song jiyang and left the office.

"Where could he have gone?" Yubin asked while scratching his chin.

Another CID officer entered Zhan's office and greeted at them.

"Sir, we found Mr.Wang's phone from presidential house. Seems like he didn't carry his phone with him." that officer said.

"Shit!" Zhan kicked the floor. He suddenly remembered something and he checked his pant's pocket then looked at Yubin.

"Did you see my phone?" Zhan asked Yubin.

"Oh I forgot , I found this on Mr.Wang's mirror table.I forgot to give it to you." Yubin handed Zhan's phone to Zhan.

Zhan checked his phone. There was a message he didn't read but it was opened by someone else. He opened the message. He got shock when he saw the message.

"What is that?" Yubin asked with curious.

"Message from kidnappers, they have sent me the place where I can exchange Yifei to that pendrive." Zhan said.

"You think Mr.Wang went to save her by himself?" Yubin asked.

"Yeah, he said that is his fault. Why this kid... Yubin I should go. give me that pendrive." Zhan said.

"You going to give them that pendrive?" Yubin asked with confuse.

"I will try to save Yi fei and Yibo without giving that pendrive to them but If I couldn't I'll give them." Zhan said.

"But Mr.Jiyang will get angry If you do that" Yubin said.

"If I don't save them, It will be worse." Zhan said.

"I can understand. but I can't let you go alone. I'm coming with you too." Yubin said. Zhan nodded.

"What time do we leave?" Yubin asked again.

"Now..." Zhan said.


Zhan and Yubin reached the place and hid their bikes. They looked at everywhere but couldn't see anyone.

"No one is here. What if they took Yibo with them?" Yubin asked with confuse.

"I can find him...come here" Zhan said and went towards their bikes. Zhan pull out a lap top from his back pack and began to type something.

"What are you doing?" Yubin asked with confuse.

"Tracking him..." Zhan said while typing.

"Wow... did you set a tracker?" Yubin said teasingly.

"No...not me but his father did. He loved Yibo so much. He didn't wanted to lose his child as his wife. that tracker was set by him. Mr.Wang knew that he going to die soon. he wanted me to take care of Yibo and make him as the president. Got it... let's go. It's not too far from here." Zhan said while closing his lap.

"Why didn't you track him before? Why didn't you say that to our officers?" Yubin asked with curious.

"I can't trust anyone. And tracking is belongs to beta team. I can't get a risk." Zhan said and Yubin nodded. They got on to their bike and drove to the place they got that signal.

You're my responsibility (Zhanyi)( Completed)Where stories live. Discover now