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Xiao zhan and Liu haikuan went out side.

"Where's Yubin?" Zhan asked one of his co-agent.

"He's on the way. Ah- see he's coming." Agent pointed towards a black car which entered by the gate.

Yubin came towards them and saluted at Zhan and Haikuan.

"Sir, I told department to send a helicopter. It will here be soon." Yubin said.

"But, what if he refuse to go?" Yubin asked curiously.

"We should send him back. If he refuse we have to do it forcefully." Zhan said with serious face. Yubin nodded.

"Don't be so rude Zhan." Yi fei came out and said.

Yubin saw a red car coming out from Zhan's garage.

"Isn't that your car?" As Yubin said it, Zhan and Haikuan looked at the direction Yubin pointed.

"Yes, but who..." before Zhan continue they saw Yibo sitting on the driving seat and Zhuo cheng on the passenger seat. Yibo winked at Zhan and drove out through the gate. Gate was opened so it was easy to go out.

"WHAT THE... THERE'S NO BREAK...YUBIN GET ON THE CAR." Zhan's shouted. Zhan's heartbeat thump fastly.Yubin and Haikuan got on to the car while Zhan getting on his bike.

"I'll come with you too. It will be a help if someone got hurt." Yi fei said. She got on to Yubin's car.

Zhan began to follow Yibo and Zhuo cheng suddenly. He wore his bluetooth earphones while driving and connected with Haikuan and other agents. Yubin's car and three police cars began to follow Zhan.

Yibo speed up Zhan's car while smirking. Zhan tried to contact Yibo but it didn't work. Zhan pull out his head through the window and tried to talk with them


'Who do you trying to fool Zhan ge' Yibo thought and speed up more.

" What if he is right? Speed down." Cheng said with sweating face.

"SEE!!!" Cheng shouted when he saw a old women crossing the way. Yibo tried to break but it didn't work.

"IT'S NOT WORKING!!" Yibo cried. When car got closer to the woman Yibo turned the car away. Car went out from the street and got crashed with a wall. Zhan and agents ran towards them and took them out from the car.

Zhan got angry and slapped Zhuo cheng.

"ARE YOU CRAZY!?" Zhan shouted. When he trying to hit him again, Yibo stopped him.

"Don't hit him. It's my fault. Not his. If you want to hit, hit me" Yibo said sadly.

"I wish if i can" Zhan said angrily.

"Get on the car" Zhan said Cheng and Yibo


When they turn to go towards the car, three police cars and Yubin's car got blast. People got scared and began to run over the street.

Luckily No one got hurt from the blast.

"W-What is that? " Yibo asked with scared voice. Zhan about to say something but couldn't because someone started to shoot them. Zhan grabbed Yibo's wrist and moved behind another car. Yifei followed his action. Zhan began to shoot terrorists. Other agents did the same. Cheng hid behind a truck with Haikuan.

"There's a ground behind the forest. That's not too far. Helicopter will be there" Yubin shouted. Zhan suddenly looked at Zhuo cheng who was with Haikuan with worrying face.

"Zhan go with Yi fei and Yibo. I'll accompany A-cheng, don't worry about him." Haikuan said. Zhan suddenly got up and grabbed both Yi fei's and Yibo's wrists. Three of them began to run towrds the forest which was in there right side.

After they left Haikuan also went towards the forest with cheng.

"Yubin take care." Haikuan said before enter to the forest. That was not a big forest. Haikuan and Cheng joined with Zhan, Yibo and Yi fei.

They heard someone shooting them again. Zhan and Haikuan ran with others while shooting terrorists.

"Zhan save Yibo. I'll manage them" Haikuan said while shooting. Zhan couldn't help did as he said. Cheng looked at Haikuan with worrying face.

"Go with him. What are you doing?" Haikuan shouted. Cheng nodded and followed Zhan.Zhan grabbed Yibo's wrist and ran while Cheng and Yi fei following them. When they reached the ground helicopter was already there. But before they got in tothe helicopter, a one bullet came hit Yi fei's shoulder.

"JIE!!!!" Yibo cried and tried to go towards her. But Zhan grabbed him ran to the helicopter. Cheng took Yi fei to his arms and got on to the helicopter. They saw Haikuan running towards them.

"Common...Mr.Liu.." Zhan shouted. Haikuan about to get on the helicopter but a bullet hit his back.When Zhan trying to pull him he got another three gun shots. Zhan pulled him and helicopter began to fly.

They covered Yi fei's and Haikuan's wounds with bandages. But that bandages couldn't stop Haikuan's blood.

"Mr. Liu... don't worry. We'll save you" Zhan said with tears.

"Z-Zhan..." Haikuan tried to say something but Zhan cut him.

"Don't speak..." Zhan said. Haikuan hold Zhan's hand and gave something him. Zhan looked at it and slowly put in to his pocket.

Haikuan's heart stopped beating and his hand which was on Zhan's hand fell to the ground. Cheng's eyes filled with tears.

"W-what h-happened?" Yibo asked with shaking voice. Zhan got angry. He suddenly stood up and grabbed yibo's collar and pinned to the seat.

"Dead, happy now? " Zhan asked with angry.

"I-I'm s-sorry..." Yibo said with shaking voice.
Zhan suddenly loosed his hands and looked away with disappintment.

"I'm really sorry. I wouldn't make any mistake again. Please forgive me. " Yibo cried. Zhan didn't say anything and kept looking away.

.               .              .


Yubin entered to Yi fei's ward. He greeted at Yibo who was sitting beside Yi fei's bed.

"How's your feeling?" Yubin asked Yi fei.

"Good. Where's Zhan?" Yi fei asked. Yibo's heart skipped a beat when he heard Zhan's name.

"He came with me. He went to meet your doctor." Before end their conversation Zhan entered to the ward.

"He's here. So I'm leaving. I have to so many works." Said Yubin and left. He greeted three of them before leave. Yibo looked at Zhan. Zhan looked at Yibo from the corner of his eye. When Yibo saw Zhan looking at him, his whole body heated with unknown feeling. His ears and cheeks turned to red. He looked away to hide his blush.


This chapter is boring right? I don't know how to write action properly. If you disappointed I'm sorry for that.

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Sorry for grammatical and typing errors.

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