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Xiao Zhan let Yibo to do whatever he want. He was reading a book while sat on a chair in the living room . Yibo wandered here and there angrily. He threw everything he saw in the living room to the floor. Xiao Zhan didn't pay any attention to him and continued to reading.

"Xiao Zhan let me go..." Wang Yibo couldn't help and screamed.

"Go then, I'm not holding you..." Xiao Zhan said without any expression.

"Ahhhhh...."Wang Yibo screamed with anger. Suddenly he went towards Zhan and tried to punch him. Zhan caught his hand and pushed to the floor. Then he placed the book beside him and stood up.

"Wang Yibo if you want to go tell me the truth." Zhan said angrily.

"I said. I got nothing to say." Yibo yelled.

"Where is that pendrive?" Zhan asked.

"I don't have it." Yibo said while trying to get up.

"Then where is it?" Zhan asked while tilting his head to side.

"Do you think I will say?" Yibo smirked.

"Do you want me to tie you to that chair again?" Zhan asked mockingly.

"Xiao Zhan!!!" Yibo yelled again.

"Stop yelling like that... it will not work. When you ready to say everything come to me. I'm in that room." Xiao Zhan said while pointing to a room in the right side. Yibo frowned at him and Zhan found it was cute.
Zhan smiled to himself and went to the room. Yibo couldn't help but took another flower vas and threw in to the floor soundly.



There was a big crowd of reporters infront of the CID. When they saw Song Jiyang they surrounded him and began to question him.

"Is that true our president is missing?"

"Who did that?"

"He got attacked few times. Are you guys not able to protect our president?"

"Who is the one who responsible for this?"

Reporters threw so many questions at him.

"We are investigating. We will find him soon. I don't have anything to say" Song Jiyang said. But reporters began to ask questions again. Few agents came and took out Song Jiyang from the crowd and went in to the building.

"What's going on? Who informed reporters about Mr.Wang. this is so complicated we should find him asp. Yubin could you track his phone?" Song Jiyang asked as he sat on his office.

"No sir, we can't track him. We tried so many times."Yubin said.

"I don't know how to find him. Simon is right. He is a big trouble maker."Song Jiyang said with a sigh.


@Zhan's secret house.

Zhan was watching the television while eating popcorn. Yibo walked towards him hesitantly.

"I want to watch CCTV-5" Yibo said cutely.

"What?"Zhan pretended like he don't know.

"CCTV-5 sport channel. I'm watching it everyday. Don't you remeber?" Yibo asked like a kid.

Zhan smirked at him and turned towards Yibo fully.

"Who do you think you are? You think you are my guest or what? Let me remind you. You are a confiner of me. Not a guest. Be happy I didn't tie you up. Even though you are confiner, you are still the president. I have to show you some respect. But don't check my patience. Come here if you ready to tell me the truth." Zhan said with a serious face.

You're my responsibility (Zhanyi)( Completed)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن