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"I'm asking you again, who are you? Why did you try to kidnap that female criminal?" A police officer asked Zhan.

"I said, let me talk to chief of the Criminal Investigation Department first." Zhan said stubbornly. Police officer got angry and punched him in the face.

"WAIT!" Police officer about to hit him again but stopped at someone's voice.

"He is an agent of CID. How dare you to hit him like that. He is Xiao Zhan, one of main spies in our department. " Song Jiyang said angrily while pushing the police officer away. Police officer's eyes widened in shock and saluted at Zhan.

"Sorry sir, I didn't recognize you. I have heard lot about you agent Xiao." Police officer apologized and removed Zhan's hand cuffs.

"Ah It's okay. Please find that girl soon. She has very important details that we need." Xiao Zhan said while rubbing his wrist.

"I'll try our best sir." Police officer saluted at him.

"Then I'll take him out." Song Jiyang said and walked away.

"Ah sir... I'm sorry, I did punch..." Officer said with regretfully.

"Ah... It's nothing... take it easy." Zhan patted his shoulder to comfort him then left with a smile.

"What's going on Zhan? Why the hell you try to kidnap her? Are you insane or blinded with love?" Jiyang asked angrily when they both got in to Jiyang's car.

"No Sir, listen. Actually someone wanted to kill her. I think she knows something." Zhan said seriously.

"But Zhan, how did you know someone trying to kill her? We arranged a meeting for her with Mr.Wang, secretly. Only few of us knew where that meeting will be held." Jiyang said.

"Actually, Yibo is the one who plan to kill her." Zhan said and it made Song Jiyang's eyes wide in sudden.

"WHAT THE HECK ZHAN!!?? WHY HE WANT TO KILL YIFEI!? And It's Mr.Wang Yibo, he is not someone who can even think to kill someone. Do you think I will believe your nonsense?" Jiyang said angrily.

"Sir, what I'm going to tell you now is the holy truth. You should believe me..." Zhan explained everything happened, except that 'Cheng' who is with criminals, is fake because he thought it's will be better.

"Sir, Yibo's life is in danger now, I think you should increase his security more." Zhan said worriedly.

"I will assign you as his main guard again." Jiyang said.

"I'm still in my suspension." Zhan said suddenly.

"No you are not. I just receive the letter of declaration behest of your suspension." Jiyang said with a smile and Zhan's eyes widen in sudden.

"Zhan, Yubin is the one who worked hard to get this behest for you. I still can't understand if he's against us, why he did this for you? Maybe someone is threatening him," Before Jiyang finish Zhan cut him.

"Actually I forgot to tell you, yesterday someone followed my car, and it was Yubin's agent Chen Xiao. Yibo said those criminals told him to exchange a parcel to Yubin. And there was another thing, I said you that I saw a jacket in Yibo's video. It's belongs to a criminal. But I saw that jacket in Yubin's house when I sneaked in to his house. Seems he is very close to that criminal. I think he's upto something. Getting my job back, maybe is a trap or something." Zhan sighed.

"Now, I can understand everything. But, Yubin? Why did he kidnap Yifei? They planned to kill her right? " Jiyang asked while caressing his chin.

" they couldn't do it as they planned because of me. Yubin is the only one who can defeat me when it's comes to driving. So he had to come out. Seems she knows something very important."

You're my responsibility (Zhanyi)( Completed)Where stories live. Discover now