Part nine

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After buying baby clothes they headed back to the barracks.

Ahsoka, once again, was chewing on the edge of Padmés braid.

Jesse and Coric greeted them.

The two of them had been left with the task to build a proper baby bed.

Something better than a blanket filled box.

But at first they had to help carrying the stuff the other's bought inside.

"So? How did it turn out?" Anakin asked.

"Well at first we couldn't figure out where to get materials for it from. Then Coric had the idea to go to a junkyard and search for an old one to repair it. We managed to find one. Actually a really nice one and had to figure out how to fix it. Luckily, Yan loves to collect pieces of defeated clankers, so she basically has a bed out of junk and battle droids now." Jesse explained.

He led them to a room, that the clones had emptied to use it as Ahsokas room.

In there stood the baby bed.

It actuall looked kind of fancy with all those battle droids parts.

"We just couldn't find a mattress" Coric added.

Padmé grinned slightly. "Guys, you get that a baby needs more than just a bed, right?"

The others looked around.

"What more?" Rex asked.

"Well, a diaper changing table, maybe a closet for the clothes we just bought would be the first two things I get in mind. And as soon as she starts to learn how to crawl I would give you the hint to get some carpet, so that she doesn't hurt herself."

The others nodded.

Well except for Fives, who had folded the blanket and laid it in the crib, as a mattress.

"Oh! I know where to get a closet from!" Coric yelled, storming out.

He returned, with two boxes, laying them next to each other, the opening to the front, storming off again, to get two more to lay on top.

"See? Now we have a closet, and we can use it as a table to change this daper thing."

Padmé shook her head.

"Well I guess it does work for now. I'll get some things while you're off world, so that the little one can have a baby proof kids room."

The clones looked confused.

"Why has it to be baby proof? There is supposed to be a baby inside."

Padmé bursted out laughing. "Baby proof does not mean proof against babys" she got out between laughs. "It means proof against babys hurting themselves."

That filled the room with "oh" and "now I got it"

Ahsoka looked around curiously.

Why was the person with the braid giggling so much?

She opened her tiny mouth and chewed on some air.

"She's hungry!" Kix and Fives yelled in the same moment, causing Anakin to giggle as well.

Padmé gave the baby to Anakin and took the baby food from Kix.

"Come here. I'll show you how to make it ready" she told the clone, then started to prepare the baby food.

Kix watched concentrated, ambitious to remember it all.

As the bottle was ready Padmé went over, took Ahsoka back from Anakin and fed the little one.

Ahsoka seemed to be very hungry, since she got the bottle empty in no time.

She squeaked, as she was ready, making the clones melt in adoration.

Padmé set the bottle aside.

"Well Anakin. You gotta learn how to change diapers now. Not that you end up like last time. And before you think about deleting R2's memory, he gave me a backup file"

Anakin turned bright red, while the clones around him chuckled.

The he followed Padmé, who showed him how to change the little ones diapers.

Then she dressed the baby in one of the new clothes and carried her over to the bed.

"Rex go grab your helmet and get the recording running" Anakin ordered, while Padmé laid the girl in her new built bed.

"You know what little one?" she asked her.

"You are going to have the most annoying brothers of all time. But you wont find a more caring family."

She smiled and gave the child a kiss on the forehead, before stepping back and letting the clones adore the sight of her.

Rex came back with his helmet promptly, playing the recording for the little one to fall asleep.

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