Page twentytwo

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They were planetside now.

Ahsoka calmly in her baby carriage on Anakins back.

It probably would have been a strange sight, would anyone have been looking. An infant on a warriors back, in the middle of a war zone.

For the clones on the other hand the sight filled their heart with strength.

This was their sister and they were fighting for her.

"Alright boys. Splitting up. Be careful"

"Yes sir"

The part of the group that had to go another way, waved goodbye to Ahsoka, who tried to mimic the gesture. Even though it looked more like the slapped the air, than waving it brought a smile to the boys face.

"Alright. Let's get going boys" Anakin said to the rest.

"Yes sir" the familiar phrase sounded again. Well except from Fives. He decided to say "Yes buir" instead.

Anakin though, did not understand Mando'a. Yet.

Togethers they squeezed themselves through the maintenance tunnels, that, meant for droids not people, were way to small for them, forcing them to walk crouched down and slow.

There was not much fighting space in here, so using a lightsaber and blasters was out of question. They had taken along a good supply of droid crackers instead. The droids wouldn't be able to evade them either.

Ahsoka brabbled happily, occasionally grabbing and chewing on the little toy Anakin had hung onto the front of the baby carriage. Trying to reach the pipes above them every once in a while.

She was quite happy in her current situation. Despite the fact that it was a war zone.

Yet they quickly ran into the first set of droids, consisting of five maintenance droids, trying to fix a broken pipe.

Echo instantly rolled over the first droid cracker, which went off and quickly took care of the droids.

To his very dismay, that ignited the liquid leaking from the broken pipe.

Anakin thrust his hands in the air, trying to stop the sudden burst of flames, getting pushed back in the process, but managing.

"Echo..." he hissed, the clone gazing guilty to the ground "Sorry sir..."

The flames still burnt though, on the ground and ceiling, blocking their way.


Ahsoka was still giggling exited.

"Does anyone have water?" he asked in a loss for ideas.


"Me not"

"Why should I"

"Me neither, Sorry buir"

The young Jedi sighed.

Ahsoka squealed exited, still trying to reach the pipes.

The pipes...

Quickly Anakin drew his lightsabers, cutting through one of the pipes.

This could go badly if it was the wrong pipe, but it did turn out to be a water pipe.

The flames hissed as they went out, leaving them to pass.

Just that the ground was wet now, and still hot, leaving steam to mix with the smoke.

Ahsoka coughed, as the mixture reached her airways, resulting in Anakin to speed up his pace, getting her out if the area as quickly as possible.

"Almost there" he mumbled, as they walked forward further.

"Keep the explosives at the ready. We hide them between the cables, so they don't find them before we're out of here."

"Yes sir!"

"Yes buir" 

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