Part eighteen

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Time ran by, to fast for Anakins liking.

Ahsoka got attention without end.

Every free minute the clones had they were swarming around her.

Even after weeks.

Anakin and Obi-Wan as well for that matter.

And then came the point, at which they had to return to Coruscant.

They weren't quite glad about it, because it meant they had to hide Ahsoka.

She wouldn't be seeing the sky for quite a while.

Ahsoka obviously didn't really knew of that. She was giggling in Anakins Arms.

At this point they finally introduced her to Admiral Yularen.

The Admiral was quite... surprised to say the least.

He tried to hold a lecture about why a child should not be raised on a warship.

Even when Obi-Wan told him that he already tried, the Admiral didn't stop.

The Problem was, that Anakin wasn't even listening but instead tickled Ahsokas stomach, making the girl laugh.

It ended up with her catching his Hand and chewing on it.

That.... caused Echo, who was close by, to yell out "Fives! You're needed".

And that... caused all clones on the bridge to break out in laughter.

And with all that noise nobody understood what the Admiral was saying anyway.

Obi-Wan couldn't stop himself from chuckling, what earned him mad glances from Yularen.

Well... little Ahsoka on the other hand seemed to notice, that the Admiral was the only one not smiling... this or that way, she stretched out her arms in his direction, giving some noises.

And Anakin, didn't even think twice, just did what Ahsoka seemed to want, and gave her to the Admiral.

And so Admiral Yularen stood on the Bridge of the Resolute, a giggling infant on his arm.

He really didn't like children.

But he stood in the middle of a lot of clones that adored the infant on his arms, so he forced a smile onto his face, to avoid getting all of them mad at him.

It wasn't of much use, as he didn't realise in time, that he was holding Ahsoka wrong, and the baby started crying after mere moments, because it made her neck ache how he was holding her.

Before he could even think Anakin had taken Ahsoka from him and was soothing her carefully, while all the clones looked at the Admiral accusingly.

Yularen decided to make a quick walk to his quarters to avoid them.

Ahsoka kept on crying, while Anakin tried his best to calm her.

After a while it finally worked.

Tears in her big blue eyes she sniffled a bit but then finally calmed down.

Anakin held her close, still whispering soothing words to her, even when she stopped sniffling.

She was his precious little treasure and he wouldn't dare to let anyone harm her.

Non on this ship would.

That was why Ahsoka would he safe here. Safer then anywhere else.

They would protect her.


When Padmé heard that the Resolute was back, she was out the house in Moments.

She had already prepared a lot.

She flew the shuttle by herself and made a com call to Anakin to let him know he was coming.

She was let in immediately. Anakin with Ahsoka on his arms greeting her in the Hangar.

"General Skywalker" she greeted with a big smile.

"Senator Amidala" he returned, while Padmè took little Ahsokas hand and greeted her to.

Ahsoka made some baby noises at that and grabbed for Padmés braid.

"Senator" a voice called from the back.

Padmés head shot up as Obi-Wan came close.

She shot a glance to Anakin.

"He knows" the Jedi revealed, which eased Padmés Shock a bit.

Then her eyebrows furrowed a bit.

"Wait, how much..."

"Only about Ahsoka, not about us" Anakin whispered back, as he placed the baby in Padmés arms.

"I see, our dear Senator is involved in this too." Obi-Wan stated, carefully observing how Padmé held the child.

"Yes" The woman answered. "And I brought what was missing. General Skywalker, would you mind if I borrow a few of your men to help me built up everything for her room?"

Before Anakin could even open his mouth to answer 'I volunteer' shouts filled the hangar, and almost every clone in hearing distance had raised their arm.

Padmé bursted out in laughters at that.

"When I said 'a few' I meant three or four. Not half a legion."

It ended up being six clones, plus Anakin.

First of they helped carrying the number of boxes to the room they set up for Ahsoka.

Alright, actually they didn't just help, but carried all the boxes. Padmé was carrying the little one.

Then they started spreading the carpet over the ground.

Padmé had bought enough to cover the entire floor of Ahsokas room, to leave no hard spot that she could hurt herself on.

Obi-Wan was chuckling about how stupid they looked trying to do this, which ended up in Anakin forcing him to help as well.

The carpet was a white one, but had a colourful circle pattern all over it.

That was followed by a proper crib.

It was made of wood, not the most usual material, but Padmé said she loved the way the dark brown colour looked with the white, and having no idea of stuff like that the men in the room just didn't say anything about it.

Padmé had included a mattress in what she brought, but not a blanket.

When Anakin voiced that, she told him Ahsoka was to young for that, and if he dared to put one in the bed, she would come personally to pick Ahsoka up.

Anakin didn't quite understand how blankets could pose a threat, but didn't discuss it further, because he was afraid of Padmés threat.

Padmé seemed to see his confusion though, and quickly explained.

"She could get her head under the blankeg and suffocate. You have to wait until she's older until you let her sleep under a blanket."

Anakin nodded, coming over and stroking Ahsokas cheek.

If blankets were a threat, they certainly wouldn't come close to his little treasure.

After the crib, there followed a proper changing table, with place to store the baby food an clothes underneath.

And after that a bunch of baby toys.

Anakin, Obi-Wan and the clones seemed more amazed about these toys then Ahsoka herself for that matter.

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