On Love

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Love is a deep and binding emotion

Filled with acceptance, respect and devotion

Much more complex than simple affection

When the heart makes such a strong connection

Of understanding, compassion and trust

Without these things love turns to dust

How can I describe something so pure

Well they say addiction has no real cure

But I believe that love is the key

Maybe thats why its a program of "we"

If I go out on my own, mistakes I will make

So many paths I could possibly take

When I feel I am lost I need only to pray

And I know I'll have help in finding my way

As he shines his light down form up above

Lighing the right path with unconditional love

As I look outside I see the breeze

Caressing the leaves hanging from the trees

The wind carries them soflty all around

Then gently lays them on the ground

I see the birds so high above

Their songs sing of a special love

And laid upon their soft sweet wing

That love to me they gently bring

So they start their graceful decent

Delivering this message thats heaven sent

Raining down under the bright sunbeam

Like looking into a beautiful dream

Althought this is real, and I finally know

The love that surrounds me continues to grow

I've never felt love like this before

This is the love Ive always hoped for

A love with friendship, humour and heart

A bond so strong it can never part

A love that makes me smile ear to ear

A joyful love that knows no fear

A love that is beautiful inside and out

A love without sorrow, pain or doubt

A love with soul, so tender and true

One that includes my love for you

Or even yet a love that grows

One that cares and one that knows

That sees beyond the outer skin

Into the person deep within

That carresses the spirit and the soul

The inner self that makes us whole

Laughing, growing, thriving, learning

No longer is my heart still yearning

Full at once, devoid no more

As I watch the sunset from a distant shore

For I am free out in the sun

Shining, smiling and having fun

To claim these feelings as my own

And finally know Im not alone.

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