Open Minds Mend Broken Hearts

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Everyone cries with a broken heart

For you feel your heart being torn apart

You try to hide from this world and fake

Though a heart can never truly break

For nothing and noone can everdie

As long as your heart is filled with their sigh

Many times you will confuse this hurt

But your heart will mend like a well stiched shirt

Life is not all fun and games

It consists of sorrow and hurtful names

Depression, frustration, hate and confusion

You will find your life based on delusion

But you continue your life behind a mask

You bottle such evils like a sealed up flask

Until one day you open your eyes to see

A hot sunny morning and a bumblebee

You forget your sorrows and all your pains

For outside your window there are no chains

Nothing will hold you back anymore

From the happy world beyond your door

For just past the door and beyond the gate

Is a joyous love and a happy fate

Waiting for you to take off your mask

And although this is an enduring task

It is very rewarding you will find

To finally feel free, soul, body and mind

So ask yourself this each morning you wake

Do you put on a mask for another day to fake

Or do you open your window and look down the streer

And breath in the air and say, 'How Sweet'

Do you close you blinds to keep out the light

Or do you open them more for the room to be bright

Do you close out your life like you do the sunrays

Or do you welcome it in for the rest of your days

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