The Empty Fort

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May 1, 515IE, Main road, Outskirts of Viennes, Northern Verne Fief, Gestalt Kingdom

It's entirely amusing to watch Ronnie and Leon's enthusiasm die a slow agonising death in just a short few hours.

They were so enthusiastic to go on a grand adventure in the beginning too. They could barely be convinced to go to bed the other night, but even then, they were way too keyed up to actually sleep.

It showed in the morning when they both woke up late at flailed in panic trying to get themselves together.

Luckily the maids did all the actual packing, or else it would have become a warzone.

Then of course, when energy ran high, arguments broke out, as per usual. If it wasn't who sits where, it was who brings what, or what sights do we stop to see and so on.

They were still arguing off their high energy even when we finally went out to meet our escort.

When they were finally in the carriage, they were all but bouncing off the four walls with excitement. They were more than ready to go.

But, sadly, reality came home wen they realized exactly how much time they would be spending in a carriage doing absolutely nothing.

They were both currently sprawled out like corpses, eyes sightless and dead with boredom already.

Speaking of corpses, Bunny-sensei practically had to be pried from his lab.

I'd specifically left him to his work for as long as he needed, but... he'd totally become a hermit, huh? ...

He was more than a little reluctant to take such a long hiatus from his research into enchantment to join this trip, but he folded like wet tissue paper before the kindly (threatening) smile of our gentle (almighty) housekeeper, because Bunny-sensei is an upright (smart) man who knows when to concede (retreat) in the face of Maddie's sincere (intimidating) concern (command).

I softened the blow by pointing out that my father's hometown is also where he allegedly first found his iconic armour. The same enchanted armour that I forbid him from touching, even for what will definitely be the breakthrough of the millennium.

Reviving the art of enchantment would indeed be a lofty achievement, but it certainly won't be at the expense of one of the most treasured reminders of the only proper parent I've ever had, so I could only refuse his request to take it apart and study it.

No matter how low his imaginary ears drooped.

As a result, he spent the past week tidying the disaster zone that is his lab and pick only the most essential equipment and references to bring along in hopes of discovering clues in Orphea.

He clearly slept way less than Ronnie and Leon, because when our departure time rolled around, he was practically nothing but a swaying zombie.

It's not like I don't understand his anxiety.

Quite the opposite in fact.

I was almost completely letting go of the reins to the fief for the first time since Verne was disposed of.

I hadn't planned on doing such until I had to attend the academy, but I could hardly run a fiefdom from half a continent away.

Of course, it's not like the place will collapse as soon as I set foot outside it. I know how to delegate, after all.

Maddie and Luke have all the household business under control, and my land steward has the matters of the fief and tax collection on lockdown.

I've long since started to get ready for the inevitable start of the storyline in just a couple more years, so although recent events tripped me up somewhat, I can still work with this.

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