The Fallout (Part 1)

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Over the next year, I became a regular visitor to Gestalt kingdom's Royal Capital.

My letter to the prince was met with much enthusiasm and soon I was officially named as a study partner to the first and second prince of the country. Quite the honor to a child my age. The peanut gallery went wild.

Nobles kept contacting Verne house asking to invite me over to tea parties for their children and play dates. Luckily I was far too busy with travelling to and from the royal palace and had an acceptable excuse to refuse their attempts to curry favor.

The free pass to the royal palace was only extended to me, hence Claire couldn't tag along. Good riddance.

She was definitely miffed at not being able to rub elbows with the royal family, but I couldn't care less. She already gold dug her way into Verne's pocket; she should quit while she's ahead.

That aside, the royal palace was quite magnificent. With towering spires, intricate carvings and sprawling gardens, it was infinitely more flamboyant than Verne house, yet much more tasteful.

There were so many twisting and turning hallways that had I not been lead by a servant I'd have no hope of finding my way.

I had left Maddie in charge of taking care of Ronnie and took my brand new "maid" Regina with me after I realized that I didn't really have any attendants close to my age around me. I refused to have Claire or-- god forbid, Verne implant any pests by my side and bringing my wet nurse is a bit...

So, I was forced to have "Regina" get a crash course in etiquette. He's a fast learner, but there was no way he could pick up all the fine details, so for the time being all he needed to do was stay quietly by my side and occasionally help me out.

We finally arrived at our destination after much much walking. It was a huge pair of ornately carved double doors. The steward in front of us opened it and dipped into a bow. We stepped into a luxuriously decorated room that at first glance seemed to be a study. There were books of all sizes thickness and color lined up neatly on floor to ceiling shelves on the walls to my left and right, huge bay windows that lead out onto a wide balcony and several chairs facing the window behind matching desks. In front of the smaller seats was a larger desk and chair facing them. Nearly all the seating was occupied and when the steward announced my arrival all eyes turned to me.

There were two familiar faces, two semi-familiar faces and one completely unfamiliar face. The two blondes were no doubt the two princes. The other two children I somewhat recognized but couldn't quite place their identities. Meaning: they were most likely game characters. The last person was an adult a middle aged man with a kind face, most likely the royal tutor. There was a moment of complete silence before the first prince made the first move.

I ignored the intense nervous energy coming from the maid at my back and returned Fabian's sparkly smile with a cool one of my own. He rose from his seat and approached me before taking my hand in both of his.

.... My eyebrow twitched.

"Kaoru, I am so glad that you finally agreed to study with us!" He said beaming brightly. I smiled and shook my head at his words.

"How could you be more flattered than I? It's my pleasure after all," I replied, to which he chuckled.

"Ever the formal one aren't we?"

"With a name like "The Child Prodigy" following me around just how could I show my face if I weren't?" I laughed lightly. I could have done without the way he immediately greeted me like a girl, but then again who didn't? I genuinely enjoyed Fabian's company so I could let it slide with only a little cursing on the inside.

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