The Daughter's Resolve

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I've learned a lot about myself since coming to this world.

There were some good discoveries and some not so good discoveries.

One very good discovery was the fact that I didn't need to hold back on being myself. Mama very nearly drilled that into my head.

Idolizing someone is all well and good, but it's best to just be myself. I've pretty much accepted that I'll never be the cool and efficient type of lady like Mama; I like getting my hands dirty way too much for that.

In fact, I might probably be the slightest bit of a tomboy at heart… and I'm okay with that. I love sword fighting more than any hobby back in my former life, and going to the forest to wipe out monsters has become cathartic, especially after I've had to deal with the whining of a certain blonde booger.

Speaking of the booger, it's thanks to him that I discovered the latest aspect of myself:

I…… am a sore loser… and I lost to Leon.

I never had to really evaluate this part of myself in my former life because I was doing my best to emulate Mama, and Mama pays no mind to losing at things once or twice; she only begins plotting how to win and win it all next time.

Don't get me wrong. I am plotting that boogers comeuppance, but how dare he beat me, bullshit main character halo or not! I can't lose as gracefully as Mama. I can't patiently think about getting him back eventually; I want to kick his ass now!

I certainly didn't lose to his physical prowess, that's for sure, what I lost to was his stupidly OP dark magic powers. I'd completely forgotten that this was even a thing about his character in the game, and much like his route, the real deal is a colossal pain in my ass.

After getting knocked back by that wave of dark magic, it was more shock and disbelief that kept me lying on the ground, blinking owlishly at the sky.

After Booger had his eventual hissy fit breakdown about not getting enough attention of all things, the household calmed down again, but my mind did not.

Leon isn't the only strong character we might face in the future. In fact, I'm fairly certain that there will be a handful of other characters stronger than he was in the game, so losing completely to what amounts to a midboss is beyond unacceptable.

I've never felt the handicap from my inability to do normal magic so acutely as when I tried to think of the powerful people in this world.

‘I can't stay this way,’ was my thought on the matter. 'I need to get stronger! But… I suck at magic…’

So I found myself going in circles, hacking at training dummies (and my opponents) while ramming my head against this brick wall of a question without a single conclusion, all the way up until the autumn festival.

So here I was glaring balefully at the frilly striped monstrosity spread out upon my bed.

Feeling a bit odd, I try to look back and find when exactly I began to abhor wearing dresses and skirts.

I decided it must have been a gradual thing. Lately my daily wear has consisted of Mama's rarely worn training clothes, usually consisting of armor, trousers and sturdy boots. I might wear a cute blouse or something to appease Tish's maiden heart that bled for my tomboy look, but that's it. I can't be bothered with anything that might impede the way I fought aside from armor. Fancy hairstyles were tossed aside in favor of a simple high tail, and impractical jewellery is to easy to lose in a scuffle. The result is myself that isn't cute at all lately…

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