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I tried to incorporate what Randeep had stated about the award night in his recent video. But my story was written long back, even before his video came out. 

So I'm just proceeding with my version, with whatever little knowledge I have about award functions.

Here it is!

The award function started after the red carpet. Randeep was sitting with his friend Karishma, who was a part of Nazar team. While Ashi was accompanied by Karan, Donal and their friends. They were switching their seats in between too, as it generally happens in award functions, but they were shifting with their group of friends only.

There were various performances and acts happening, with some segments of awards in between as the performing actors would require time to change. Both Ashi and Randeep were waiting for the popular category they were nominated in. After waiting for long, the popular category was announced and they knew that they were not getting the awards as it is generally informed earlier. There were still many award categories and performances left, but Randeep thought to leave as he was feeling little unwell due to the cold Indore night and also there was no point in staying now.

Ashi decided to stay as they were waiting for the fashion segment where Karan was walking the ramp, which was about to happen soon. When that was over, all of them were just chilling and having fun.

Soon an event coordinator came to Ashi and informed, "Miss Ashi Singh. You are the winner of Best Jodi Award. So you can occupy the front row seats there in 5 minutes and the award will be given in 20 minutes." She said while pointing to the front rows.

Ashi couldn't believe at first what she had heard. She was just staring at the coordinator when she was shaken by Karan who was congratulating her excitedly. She tried to reconfirm with the coordinator as she didn't know if there was a 'Best Jodi' nomination too.

The coordinator asked her to come aside so as to avoid disturbance to others. "Yes, you've heard it correctly. You both are the winners", confirmed the coordinator. "By the way, do you know where I can find Mr. Randeep Rai? We were looking for him but we didn't see him." She asked.

Her question was another shock for Ashi. She recovered from it and politely said, "I am not very sure. But I saw him with the Nazar team there, you can ask them" she directed at a place.

"No, actually we have already checked with them. They said that he had left. Do you have any idea about it?" The coordinator asked while checking some things on the notepad in her hand.

Ashi was now stunned with this latest knowledge. She again humbly said that she has no idea where he is.

"Okay no problem. Our team is trying to contact him. Meanwhile, can you please occupy the seats? The award will be announced soon. But if you get any lead about Mr. Rai, please inform me. My name is Akanksha. I'll be there near the stage only." Saying this, she left in a hurry, talking to her team on the bluetooth.

The happiness of getting a 'Best Jodi' award didn't even stay for a few minutes with Ashi as it was overtaken by the news of absence of Randeep. She shared this with Karan and he said that he will accompany her to the seats.

Ashi and Karan occupied the seats while waiting for Randeep. But Ashi was restless, she couldn't concentrate on anything as the time for award was nearing. She had also tried to call him once but his phone was engaged and she thought that the event coordinators might be talking to him.

"Akanksha", Ashi spotted the girl walking from there, "Did you get in contact with Randeep?', she asked.

Akanksha came, "Oh Ashi. Yes, my teammates talked to him. He had left the premise long back and it would take him another 30 minutes to come. I need to inform this backstage, so that we can take a call on this. You please be seated." She left hurriedly for the backstage.

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