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Eren's POV

"Got anything?" asked Levi

"Sir I think we're searching the wrong place." said Armin

"Well there's no option we were put here." said Levi

It was dark so we had flashlights on and we could see a mountain called Elbrus a couple of miles away. We were walking towards it looking for any sign of past activity here.

"Let's hope we find them." said Mikasa

Kit's POV

"Marksman nothing?" asked Phantom

"He covered his tracks up too well, I can't tell." replied Marksman

Phantom was behind carried by Juggernaut since she can't really walk on her own. We found a dirt bike parked a mile or two away from our current position and we believed it was Ghost's bike.

"What the hell is personal here?" I asked

"Let's just keep moving." said Phantom

Ghost's POV

"Timothy Anderson." I mumbled

"I'm surprised you remembered." replied the 46th President.

"Y-you're the Demon?" I asked

"Yes I am." he replied

My hand was shaking, the gun in my hand was shaking. I couldn't believe it that the president my parents served under was actually a traitor.

"You hired Michael Langston to hire Richard Santos to kill my father?" I asked

He stayed silent, like I threw him under the bus or something.

"Why aren't you answering me?" I asked

"I did." he replied

I aimed my gun straight at him. I wanted to pull the trigger but not yet I needed answers.

"The group of men you sent to kill my mother, were they your men?" I asked

"Yes." he replied

"For fucks sake why?!" I yelled

"Cause you're parents were fucking nosy. Looking into other people's business, if they haven't they would still be alive!" he yelled back

"That's cause you were doing the wrong fucking thing, testing children?!"

"They were fucking useless, homeless on the streets. I gave them the opportunity to redeem themselves!"

"FUCK!" I yelled, "What about NHEO?! Why did you order my parents to kill everyone there?!"

"Cause they fucking failed, they were useless so I had to throw them away?!"

"Were you the one who set up the assault on Eldia? Were you the one who kidnapped my team members and set up everything. Were you the one who released the info of NHEO?"

"Of course I was the one who did it! Why do you think we never found who killed your parents. Because I hid all the evidence, I threw away the case just in case someone might figure out!"

"Why, my parents served you! They protected you when you were in trouble why the fuck did you have to kill them off?!"

"Because they'll ruin my plans!"

"What plans?"

He smiled at me and pulled out a device and the wall behind him opened up revealing a window showing a valley. And at the bottom of the valley we're multiple huge missiles ready to launch.

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