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30 minutes earlier

Eren's POV

"Damn it's been about 40 minutes and they haven't shown up." said Jean

"Michael didn't even come in yet." said Annie

"Calm down, I'm sure they'll be here." I said

"Armin got anything?" asked Mikasa through the earpiece

"All clear here." replied Armin through the earpiece

"Look, helicopter approaching." said Jean

I look out the window and see a helicopter hovering over the top of the tower.

"Michael is in." I said through the earpiece

"Do not move out of your spots until you see Ghost team." said Levi

"Where's Recon?" asked Jean

"I don't know, she's at her own station I guess." I replied

I lay back against my seat and look around just for any signs of Ghost team. I look around and see civilians enjoying their time here. I see kids playing with their parents and having so much fun.

'I miss you mom.'

"Eren, look alive you look sad." said Annie

"Sorry must be tired." I chuckled

That's when I see the OKO Tower go completely dark.

"Wait, what happened?" asked Jean

We all get out of our cars and look up at the tower. It was completely dark, like no one was home.

"Captain what happened?" I asked through my earpiece

"I don't know, but stay in your position, you might miss them." replied Levi

We got back in the car and just continued watching the streets. About 7 minutes later the lights came back on the OKO Tower.

"Must have been some power difficulty." said Annie

"I can't really rely on technology." said Jean

Jean yawns and tucks himself in.

"I hate undercover work that forces me to sit in a car and watch." said Annie

"I think everyone in this car hates it Annie." replied Mikasa

"I guess I'm not the only one." said Annie

"How's Ashley and Brooks doing?" I asked

"Let's just say they're giving my dad more white hair." said Annie

I laugh and Jean raises an eyebrow.

"What about Damion?" I asked Jean

Jean chuckles nervously and looks at Mikasa who's giving him the emotionless death stare.

"Well, he's eating a lot." replied Jean

"Is he getting his face slowly looking like a horse." I snickered

Mikasa pinches my cheeks and I shriek.

"Damion looks like me not him." she bluntly said

"Yes ma'am." she lets go and I rub my cheek

That's when the tower explodes and I jump up from my seat. The middle of the tower explodes and erupts in flames. More explosions continue to explode making its way up. Civilians begin to scream and run away from the OKO Tower. I get out of my car and look up at the tower as I could hear the tower groaning as it slowly starts to tilt. Debris was falling from the sky making it dangerous for the civilians around it.

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