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A/N: Two updates in one day!! Enjoy xxx

Okay, I was alive. My head was pounding, my mouth tasted rancid, and I had no idea where I was, but I was alive. On the count of three I'll open my eyes and see exactly what situation I'd gotten myself into. One, two, three. The early morning light was blinding from where it peaked out through the wooden slatted blinds of a big bay window. Surveying the room further I saw dark green walls, a few random band posters, and a pile of dirty clothes kicked into one corner.

I was definitely in a guy's room. If the musty scent and plaid comforter were anything to go by, it was a teenage guy's room. Sitting bolt upright I felt like I might pass out, just what exactly had I done last night? Where was I? I ripped off the comforter, glad to see I was still in my jeans and t-shirt from the night before. Okay, that was good. Great even, god I was neverdrinking again.

"You know when girls spend the night, they're usually a lot happier to see me," Tyler remarked from where he stood in the doorway, eating a leftover slice of pizza.

"What the hell Tyler?" I shrieked, throwing my legs over the side of the bed and stalking over to him. "Just because I kissed you doesn't mean I'm interested! Oh my god! This is awful! Stacey is never going to forgive me!" I babbled, growing increasingly panicked with each realisation.

"Jeez you talk a lot for so early in the morning," Tyler remarked, seemingly unfazed by my panic.

"Tyler!" I shrieked. "How could you sleep with me?"

"Okay stop right there, I think this has gone on long enough." Tyler said, flopping down onto his bed, the picture of relaxation. "First of all, we didn't sleep together. You're practically my sister! You got white girl wasted and I swooped in like the gentleman I am, got you out of the cold and held your hair back while you puked. Then I let you sleep it off in my room while I bunked downstairs on the couch."

"Oh my god, I'm so so sorry Tyler I—" I began, feeling beyond mortified at not only my actions last night but that I'd had the audacity to accuse him of taking advantage of me when he'd done the complete opposite. Vague memories from last night began filtering back, I'd called Josh. Oh no, no, no, no. I was never drinking again, that was for sure.

"You can save the apologies, we're good vodka breath." Tyler teased and I let out another groan. "You might want to call boy wonder back, he kept calling and calling and calling. And let me tell you he did not sound happy,"


"Was that his name? Funny thing is we didn't really get to exchange names in between him threatening to kick the shit out of me and him yelling at me for taking advantage of you." Tyler said, sounding both annoyed and amused.

"Josh said that?" I asked incredulously, I couldn't believe it. I mean I could, because if there was any one thing Josh believed in it was people being treated fairly. I just couldn't believe that he still cared that much.

"Yeah he did, so give him a call or don't because fuck that guy, but I think he cares about you a lot."

"Huh," He cared about me a lot? Josh Brueckner still cared about me.

"Get outta here kid, I have at least two more hours of sleep to catch up on and if you're lucky you can sneak out of here before Stacey can start questioning you."

"Thanks Tyler," And I meant it, I didn't think I could deal with a hangover, Stacey's incessant questions, and an undoubtedly angry Josh. All I needed was for my parents to spot how hungover I was and then I'd really be up the creek with no paddle.

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